Rosa DeLauro gets first tattoo at age 80 – IOTW Report

Rosa DeLauro gets first tattoo at age 80

What the…

Democratic Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut just got a tattoo at the age of 80.

“For her eighteenth birthday, my granddaughter wanted to get a tattoo with me. So, we went together. She’s off to college in the fall and this strengthens our bond. I have four more grandkids who still haven’t turned eighteen yet so be on the lookout for more new ink!” the congresswoman said in a statement.

36 Comments on Rosa DeLauro gets first tattoo at age 80

  1. @Junist: She’s a bulwark for abortion, but she let her three children live, and her grandchildren. Yes, someone screwed her, husband Stan Greenberg–married since 1978..

    Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro –

    Their children—Anna, Kathryn, and Jonathan Greenberg—all are grown and pursuing careers. Rosa and Stan have six grandchildren, Rigby, Teo, Sadie, Jasper,

  2. @TRF: “Looking at the picture, that tat must be the coat of arms for batshit crazy!
    A granddaughter? I find it particularly concerning that it reproduced at some time!!”

    A surrogate was utilized.


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