100% Fed Up: The Carter family has revealed the last words former First Lady Rosalynn Carter had for Melania Trump.

According to the Carter family, Rosalynn “specifically wanted Melania Trump to know she was invited to the service.”
The Carter family continued “My grandmother campaigned against and voted against some of their husbands, But she believed that there are some things that are more important than politics.” MORE
So if she wanted all the First LADIES there, who invited Mooch?
Never knew the Carters to be mean or vindictive, they urged unity and wanted everyone including Melania to be welcomed. It’s just they didn’t have a clue on running the country and thought Israel was occupying Palestine.
For this reason, G-d never blessed his administration. G-d allowed Pres Carter to live long enough to be knocked down from worst President to 3rd worst President just behind Biden and Soetoro
She should have had some last words for Big Mike: “Mike, don’t walk into my funeral with a stank face, all scrunched up looking like a cat’s butt”.
Big Mike, the ugly troon, couldn’t hide his hatred and envy of Melania, the most beautiful first lady ever.
Leftist blasted Melania for wearing a coat that wasn’t black to the funeral.
Trump Derangement Syndrome in full effect.
She went to the funeral and was respectful.
The next time certain individuals here say something similarly ridiculous about DeSantis or his wife you might want to reign in your own syndromes.
It’s not a good look…
fuck off, loco, you sycophant dick slobbering sack of shit.
It makes you wonder if Melania wasn’t invited, just so Leftist people could puke on her or her husband again.
Has there ever been a funeral for a POTUS or FLOTUS where any living formers were uninvited? It seemed like it was understood that they were invited, no need for a specific invite. The Carters, at an advanced age, attended the funeral of GHW Bush in 2018.
I had this crazy idea that it was respect for the office or position that superseded petty politics – at least until Trump had the nerve to win in 2016 upsetting the NWO and the Hildebeast in particular.
Look at Shelly O’s face.
What a bitter, ugly phony.
Off topic but did you notice that Bill Clinton walked off way ahead of Hillary – almost like he wanted no part of her. They did not give the impression of a couple.
Hillary looked like she borrowed a circus tent but at least Jill Ed.D was not wearing her lemon tablecloth dress, so there’s that.
Melania comes in handy if your boat sinks, doubles as a plastic floatation device.
Melania represents everything leftist women hate: class, traditon, low-key power, real genetic beauty.
Melania Trump?? Get me her name!
God’s light shines on those he favors, and I don’t think that either Mooch or Hellary stand in any kind of favor with God for their constant mocking of him. May God’s light continue to shine forth on former President Trump and his wife Melania.
Be very very carful making a claim like that, you might be stuck down by a bolt of lightning.
Say what you will about the Carters (the political ones, not the singers) and their politics, I never saw Mrs Carter as anything but a class act, kind, gracious, thoughtful.
I can imagine Melania’s last words for the swamp – and adopt them as my own.
Stop the World, I thought Hitlery’s outfit looked like a black Mao suit
Beachmom – you are right!
I was trying to convey that you could hide a circus under it but it did look like a black Mao suit specially made in size 4XL – there was no need to stock size super circus during the great famine that Mao brought on.
Judging from the number of “likes” on Anonymous’s posts, I guess you can “like” your own post as many times as you wish.
If Rosalynn Carter did insist First Lady Melania Trump attend her funeral, it’s probably because she knew the other First Ladies (especially Big Mike) would have found a way to exclude Melania. They’re resentful, envious b***hes.
Even though Rosalynn Carter was a bleeding heart liberal, she was a classy woman who understood common courtesy and decorum.
Satan! You said I was special! Why is it getting so HOT!?!?
99th Squad Leader
Melania had the guts to show up and carry herself with dignity in a room full people who wait to find reasons to Criticize & Humiliate her.
She was & is a Class act.
PS. I loved her CHRISTMAS WHITE HOUSE themes.
If Big Mike claims he is a female, they should have made him prove it before letting him into the funerary celebrations.
And there are just a few ways to do that. But the quickest and easiest is to let down your knickers and make your private parts public.