Rose McGowan alleges that Gavin Newsom’s wife tried to silence her from speaking out against Weinstein – IOTW Report

Rose McGowan alleges that Gavin Newsom’s wife tried to silence her from speaking out against Weinstein

Post Millennial- Political commentator Dave Rubin managed to wrangle the actress activist for an interview. In today’s published video she spilled the beans on a call Gavin Newsom’s wife made to her.

In doing so, she also outlines how high-profile lawyer David Boies is a central cog in the Democratic establishment machine.

“Governor Newsom… his ex-wife Jennifer Newsom… Jennifer Siebel Newsom [note it appears the two are currently married] I think that is her name, yes. She called me, and she set up a meeting with me to meet her somewhere in Brentwood, and I actually went and I got very like creeped out and I saw her sitting where I was supposed to meet her, and I looked at her and I turned around and went back into my car and drove away,” McGowan explained to Rubin.

It’s explained that the timeframe of when this happened was six months before The New York Times article on Harvey Weinstein came out. April 2017.

Rose says Mrs. Newsom called her up on behalf of Theranos board member (Bill and Hillary Clinton’s longtime lawyer as well as Weinstein’s lawyer) — David Boies.

“David Boies wants to know what it would take to make you happy,” McGowan says Newsom’s former wife told her. It’s speculated that Jennifer was trying to bribe Rose. watch

15 Comments on Rose McGowan alleges that Gavin Newsom’s wife tried to silence her from speaking out against Weinstein

  1. I have posted in the past about the Prog club when I was in college and the guy who was their Bill Clinton. One thing that was consistent is that each and every time he was accused of violating one of the coeds in the club, it was females of the Democrat persuasion who came to his defense. Their despicable ways and nastiness of their attacks played a large part in the development of my understanding of why it is never warranted to concede good intentions to progs.

  2. Wow, pretty soon it’ll take just one revelation out of the Left to include just about every rotten scandal in it. Let’s see, in this one we’ve got: Weinstein, Pelosi, Newson, The Clintons, Theranos, Boies, and … did I leave out anyone?

    The Left is so bad-ass. They’ve pared it down to about 1.5 degrees of separation.

  3. People forget The Reason the Harvey Weinstein story broke was because Trump won in 2016. Weinstein was a heavy donor to Hillary. Had Hillary won not only would the power of the “Clinton Machine” been there in the shadows protecting Harvey but the full weight and power of the White House would have been pushing the power of that hammer wrapped in a velvet glove. With the house of Harvey falling the protective hand was lifted from the House of Epstein. All of that as a direct result of Trump winning. Trumps election win opened the door to the “Me Too” movement.

    If Hillary had won it would be business as usual for Harvey & Jeffery not to mention Ed Buck would still be on the loose to murder young black males at his perverted leisure. The me too movement was started by the fall of Hillary and turned into a joke with the lynching of Kavanaugh. Alyssa Milano went from being traumatized by the tall tale of Blizty Ford (Kavanaugh raped me, I don’t recall where, who was there, what day of the week, what month of the year or year of the decade but by god he raped me) to saying Joe Biden (believable accusation of rape and all the molesting of kids on tape) is the “right man at the right place at the right time” with regards to handing over Afghanistan to the Taliban, the Taliban who are known to impress young unmarried women into sex slavery. Just this should have the left marching in the streets demanding Biden be impeached and then frog marched out of the White House while singing the praises of Trump and vowing to elect him in 2024.

    Sorry for the rant. I’m slated to go to an old work reunion tomorrow and there will be many a libtard there. I was thinking that “hey, I don’t work with them any more and the biggest libtard there is still married to my old boss but she anit my boss no more so I will go full tilt and this will be fun after all”. It turns out the host, who is my friend, has encouraged me to be nice. So tomorrow, I’d rather be having a root canal. These thought will be going through my head and I won’t be able to say anything without offending the host. (He still works there).

    But as Jow is such an umittiagated disater odds are the libtards won’t want to talk politics- so I have that going for me.

  4. Pelopidas — Good luck at your reunion. Just enjoy the people you always enjoyed being with and forget about the others. If there is more than one person at the party, something politics related WILL come up. I know we’d all like to verbally count coup on the heads of our enemies, but all it does is encourage them to be bigger headaches than they already are. What I always find both fascinating and deeply discouraging is that I come away from any kind of meeting with any progs I know with a firm belief they are basically too stupid to live. No amount of presenting FACTS or TRUTH will move their stupid meter one iota, so don’t waste your time/engergy.

    (I just had a lady over the other day for whom I had done some extensive work inside her home over many weeks. I had to listen to her chirpy bumper sticker bromides about Covid all that time, but with her in MY house I felt no requirement to bite my tongue. She stated the convo by telling me that she had to go back to wearing her mask at work (under Jay Inslee’s decree). I told her the masks were worse than useless and gave her the facts of the size of the virus versus the “chain link fence” size of the openings in any paper/cloth mask she wears. She paried with the “psychological value” of helping people “feel” safer. I returned it with “What happened to the sacred ‘My body, my choice’? Liberals are such hypocrites.” I was delighted to see the realization of that statement flash across her smug face. I said all of this while being “nice” and smiling at her the whole time.)

  5. I take more of a ,”Let bygones be bygones, until you say something insulting and stupid” approach. I don’t go looking for a fight but their ilk has controlled the narrative far too long because nobody challenges them. That and I don’t suffer fools easily so when they throw down I’ll mix with them.

  6. “It turns out the host, who is my friend, has encouraged me to be nice.”

    I’ve been there. “I was provoked” doesn’t seem to placate the individual who put me in a position to have to suffer a bunch of shitfinger leftists in the first place either.

  7. Rose McGowan only has this one thing in common with conservatives. She has a basic hate of Hollywood, Weinstein, Current Democrats and other Pedos.
    Other than that, what does she feel about Conservatives, Trump, Pipelines, Gun ownership, etc.?

    There is a limit to “The Enemy of my Enemy is mt Friend.”

    She is no Angel. Check out how many graphic naked selfies & home porn she has lost to the internet. Not Exactly a role model. She has public red carpet photos at awards shows with everything but her landing flaps hanging out.

    Have fun doing the confirmation research!

  8. She’s just another Brittany Spears, buck fool crazy. She maybe telling the truth or it might just be a delusion.
    She does take a nice selfie if you’re into shaved headed women.


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