Rose McGowan: The ‘Ugly Truth’ of ‘Lizard’ Oprah’s ‘Sick’ Agenda Will Be Exposed – IOTW Report

Rose McGowan: The ‘Ugly Truth’ of ‘Lizard’ Oprah’s ‘Sick’ Agenda Will Be Exposed

MeToo activist Rose McGowan has slammed Oprah Winfrey in a new tweet claiming the TV oligarch is “as fake as they come.”

Neon Nettle: The “Charmed” actress penned that people are now beginning to see “the ugly truth” about the billionaire media mogul.

McGowan blasted Oprah as a “lizard” who is pushing a “sick power structure for personal gain.”

She added a photo making reference to Winfrey’s close personal friendship with convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein.

McGowan also noted how Winfrey is linked to record executive/producer Russell Simmons who is battling multiple allegations of rape and sexual misconduct. 

“She is about supporting a sick power structure for personal gain, she is as fake as they come,” the activist wrote.

“I am glad more are seeing the ugly truth of @Oprah,” McGowan said.

“I wish she were real, but she isn’t,” she wrote.  MORE

27 Comments on Rose McGowan: The ‘Ugly Truth’ of ‘Lizard’ Oprah’s ‘Sick’ Agenda Will Be Exposed

  1. Who COULDN’T tell that Oprah was as fake as a $3 bill?
    Ya gotta have the blinders on to not see that.
    Even my wife won’t watch her.

  2. circa 1988 the big news was Hopra had lost a ton and I was home with the baby and tuned in to Hopra and she was a fat slob so I though it was an old rerun but NO–since then she has bounced up and down the scales to gain attention

  3. Yeah, and she has a fake boyfriend too. I think it’s that guy from Barney Miller or that Eric Holder jerk…or it could be Steadman, you, the kept man.

    Orca Winfrey;
    Single and gives marriage advice
    No children but gives child rearing advice
    Fat as a Circus freak and gives dieting advice

    The original Fake News.

  4. My mom’s uncle was fairly well-known in the Midwest, was a guest on Oprah’s show in the 70s when it was a local Chicago show. His daughter (my mom’s cousin) accompanied him to the set. She said Oprah treated him like second-class, she is definitely not a fan.
    Side note: most if not all of his kids attended Hillsdale.

  5. Okra has never been more than a shadow of her character from that silly movie “the color purple” as she and her “pal” whoopee!are both carpet munchers in arms with moochelle.

  6. She has the gall to preach to the very people about racism that have bought her lies and junk all these years: suburban White women. Suburban White women supposedly put biden over the top. If true the disparaging remarks about suburban White women is correct.

  7. I saw the ugly truth of Oprah the first time my corneas were seared by her hideous physiognomy .. But, hey, didnt she take ugliness to the next level in that interview with Meghan Markle and her royal dipshit?

    She looked like the second coming of Jabba The Hutt

  8. an expose? of winfrey?
    OK. Let ‘er rip.
    Just as long as that doesn’t mean naked photos.
    I’m not ready for that
    rumor has it that she was jill biden’s twerking coach until she stepped on her foot

  9. Oprah’s so called Girl’s school in Africa was involved with numerous sex scandals. Is this school connected to Human Trafficking?
    Those who deceive at the expense of the innocent need to be identified.
    People need to protect themselves and their children from these deceivers.

  10. I don’t remember what year it was, but the jug-eared messiah was in office at the time. Apparently, the Oprah was in Denmark on a “shopping expedition”. She said she went to some high end store to buy a handbag. But the shop was closed. She said that she knocked on the door, but was not let in because she is black & the store clerks were racist.Because of course they were.

  11. Can they get their reptilian skin and blood cancer out of my torso and body after their rape slum torture…it really offended these satanic freaks that I am not a satanic beast like them??!!

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