Roseanne Apologizes To Jarrett (again), Also Tells Her She Needs A New Hairstyle – IOTW Report

Roseanne Apologizes To Jarrett (again), Also Tells Her She Needs A New Hairstyle

Daily Caller: Roseanne Barr offered an apology to former President Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett for a string of racially insensitive tweets that were directed at her, and recommended that Jarrett get a new hairstyle during her interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Thursday night. watch


Snip: For Claudia—

17 Comments on Roseanne Apologizes To Jarrett (again), Also Tells Her She Needs A New Hairstyle

  1. Frankly, I never liked Rosanne and don’t believe she is any kind of a conservative. She’s a self-serving Hollywood type, and that’s all she ever was. The same goes for John Goodman.

    They live and make their living playing in a fantasy world of their own creation, and they actually believe their life is the reality of everyone.

    Just go away already, please.

  2. Very interesting (and entertaining) interview.
    Her biggest offense as far as the left is concerned was showing support for Trump and criticising anything Obama.
    I had no idea VJ was African-American either.

  3. What really hurt is she does look exactly like a Planet of the Apes character. That’s a perception many find true. We associate others all the time based on their looks. Fur puts up the albino gorilla, Snowflake, when discussing Ron Pearlman. Why? because he looks like him! The Left has no issue showing Trump as a fat diaper wearing fag. They are loathsome hateful people.

  4. Not one to normally talk about someone’s looks (ok, once in a while), she has a rat face.

    But the eyes are more shark-like – dead, cold and unfeeling. What’s that line from Jaws?

  5. Claudia,
    Y’know the thing about a shark, he’s got… lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn’t seem to be livin’… until he bites ya. And those black eyes roll over white, and then… oh, then you hear that terrible high-pitch screamin’, the ocean turns red, and spite of all the poundin’ and the hollerin’, they all come in and they… rip you to pieces.
    Great speech!


  6. I believe she feels terribly about how what she said was misunderstood. But I do think she has to stop apologizing. If Zira, er, VJ doesn’t accept or doesn’t respond, that’s on VJ, not Roseanne.
    Let it go, Rosie. Let it go.

    Good call on the hairstyle, though. LOL!

  7. “Nothing in #Obamacare forces people out of their health plans,” said Valerie Jarrett. Don’t care what her ethnicity is, she is a liar. As for Roseanne, just go away,,,

  8. Should have added that, according to my family member, when Roseanne had her talk show, she would go to the studio next door to bring treats to the people working there, Including the actors who were ‘extras’ like she was their momma. Yes, she can be obnoxious, politically weird, OCD, whatever- but I’ve known worse people. So for this VJ stuff, I’ll cut her some slack.

  9. Rosanne is a liberal and a loon, with little self control. Still what ABC did to her is malicious. Hollywood has lots of tolerance for perverts, but not for anyone expressing conservative views. Rosanne still believes she’ll remain an “A lister” but the Hollywood elite just want her to disappear. The only apology they might accept is for Rosanne to say she’s sorry about supporting Trump and agrees to trash him from now on.

  10. Oh, for fuck’s sake (to plagiarize from Moe Tom)!

    Jarret is a monkey. She looks like a monkey. She acts like a monkey.
    She’s a greasy, criminal, fuckin Chicago slum-lord who is capable of killing the homosexual partners of her creature (Obola) without compunction.

    Roseanne Barr’s not a toddler.
    She knows that some things are better left unsaid.
    But if she’s gonna say em, don’t apologize – take the Bill Maher approach – attack.

    izlamo delenda est …


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