Roseanne Boyland died from beating at the hands of J6 cops, not drug overdose – IOTW Report

Roseanne Boyland died from beating at the hands of J6 cops, not drug overdose

Family speaks out to correct the record.

Revolver: Thirty-three months after their daughter Rosanne Boyland’s tragic death at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Bret and Cheryl Boyland feel new pain every time a media outlet publishes the false claim that their daughter died of a drug overdose.

On Oct. 12, a prominent national newspaper wrote that Ms. Boyland “died of what was determined to be a methamphetamine overdose.”

Within a day, that claim spread all over the internet, even appearing as a snippet on the website of the Merriam-Webster dictionary under the word “die.” A week later, the newspaper corrected the error, but the family said the damage was done—again. more

9 Comments on Roseanne Boyland died from beating at the hands of J6 cops, not drug overdose

  1. It is pretty safe to assume that absolutely NOTHING that comes out, or has come out of the DOJ or mainstream media in recent years, that isn’t inconsistent with the truth if it doesn’t support the narrative.

  2. Of course if she was a black woman who died at the hands of the police at a BLM riot, she would by now have been canonized by the media. White woman at a Trump rally? Meh.

    Every time a media outlet makes the false claim about their daughters death, file a suit. And sue the DC police too.

  3. Amazing how the FBI can hide criminal evidence under the claim of uncovering agents. That’s BS, they can blur any face they want that isn’t needed for the investigation. Who buys their BS????


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