Rosenstein: Lawmakers And White House Officials Would Be Prosecuted For Leaking Classified Info – IOTW Report

Rosenstein: Lawmakers And White House Officials Would Be Prosecuted For Leaking Classified Info

“We are after the leakers, not the journalists,” Rosenstein said, adding that reporters will not be prosecuted merely for publishing classified information, which is currently protected by the First Amendment.

13 Comments on Rosenstein: Lawmakers And White House Officials Would Be Prosecuted For Leaking Classified Info

  1. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise, thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

    If the Press is exempt from prosecution by the First Amendment, then the leaker, too, is exempt as the “freedom of speech” (by an individual?) precedes “the press” (a collective).

    If the “Freedom of Speech” cannot – CANNOT – be abridged, as the “Freedom of the Press” cannot, than how is the leaker culpable?

    Or, perhaps, the Courts have bent over backwards to protect the “Press” from Treasonable acts? This seems more likely, as individuals are entirely expendable, while the “Press” is a continual nuisance, and, when functioning with some semblance of ideological impartiality, performs a small public good.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Why shouldn’t they go after the press? They’re doing everything they can to bring down this president including, lying, fraud, fake news, collusion with democrats, propagandizing, omitting facts, hounding conservatives and Christians, etc.
    I say a bunch of them should be locked up. Start with acosta, rose, lauer, and stephynopulus.

  3. If you can’t prosecute them due to free speech grounds, then just fire every single one that can be fired and publish the verified names of the rest (congresscreatures) who participated. Trump HAS to go hardball on this and he can’t lose if he does, his approval ratings would spike to all time highs.

  4. And also publish the name of every journalist and news org that received leaked info. If they can’t be prosecuted for publishing leaked info, there’s no reason their names cannot be unmasked as having done so.

    Do it, Trump.

  5. I don’t think your founding fathers ever invisioned a fourth estate as being as collectively left wing and as anti republic is as this one when they enshrined freedom of the press in the first amendment. Having done so it would be really difficult to try to limit them at this point and I don’t think you should. It’s the people that have to see through this crap and elect actual a real representative congress and presidency. They did in 2016 even after a year of constant media attacks on Trump and other real conservatives and you have to expect that they’ll do it again in 2018. In fact it may even get worse for the left.

    I’ve been reading reports that the black unemployment rate is down and pay is up due to the huge reduction in illegals crossing the border and taking jobs while undercutting salaries. No matter how the media tries to play that the black american that has fulltime and so far steady employment at a higher wage for the first time in years will figure out that Trump is good for him while the democrat party is bad and vote accordingly. When this and other things (voting list cleanup, fraud investigation results published, etc, etc) the media will likely start to tone down their attacks because while they may have a leftwing viewpoint they sure love their BMR’s and high salaries which only continue while there are advertisers willing to pony up for airtime.

    Hell, maybe Meuller realized there’s nothing to this and empanelled the grand juries so that when they report no grounds for indictments the whole mess falls right into the laps of the dems and the media causing incredible damage to their credibility. No, I haven’t been drinking, it might happen.

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