Rosie O’Donnell Could Be Facing Prison Time And A $12 MILLION FINE For Bribery – IOTW Report

Rosie O’Donnell Could Be Facing Prison Time And A $12 MILLION FINE For Bribery

Daily Caller  […] As of Wednesday morning, O’Donnell was so proud of her attempted bribe that she pinned it to the top of her account. If he wanted, Trump and his Justice Department could respond by pinning Rosie with a felony.

After ex-comedian Rosie O’Donnell’s meltdown on Twitter before the Senate’s big tax vote Tuesday night, President Donald Trump can reasonably direct federal authorities to lock her up — and even to “take some money out of her fat-ass pockets,” which he once infamously cited as a personal goal.  read more


40 Comments on Rosie O’Donnell Could Be Facing Prison Time And A $12 MILLION FINE For Bribery

  1. If Dinesh D’Souza had to go to jail for a “straw donor” violation(he was sentenced to eight months in a halfway house near his home in San Diego, five years probation, and a $30,000 fine) then Rosie should get the electric chair.

  2. 2 counts of bribery at $2M per……. yeah, time for it to pay up and do time.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. This person, Rosie O’Donnell, is beyond ignorant. Let us not forget her brilliant argument supporting the inside job by Bush for 9/11/2001 – “Fire does not melt steel!” LOL
    If she got prosecuted her attorneys would claim Trump prejudice.

  4. If she was sent to prison, then the other felons who had to interact with her would cry foul.
    They should give her the option of donating the same money to conservative college kids with school loans.

  5. DOJ really does need to charge her because she did have an effect on the vote. What if one of those Senators had decided (in honest review felt they could not support it) to vote against the bill just before O’Donnell typed out the bribes? If that happened it would have likely forced the Senator to vote for the bill else have their career ruined because of the assumption they changed their vote for the money. For the rest of their life people would be watching for a couple of million to show up either at once or in big, unexplainable chunks. I’ll bet she thinks she is just so witty and clever with these tweets and that there are no consequences but I’ll bet her lawyer warned after the first one and began to tear his hair out with the follow-ons. Three years and 6 million ought to be enough.

  6. I saw the argument as to why she wouldn’t be convicted. Basically the Jon Stewart defense. Even though the tweet is in clear violation, an overt attempt at bribery of a government representative, the lawyers will argue that it was facetious, or performance, or at worst that she was clearly deranged when she tweeted it.
    Her having to live with Trump as president for 7 more years will have to be punishment enough.

  7. If anyone would have made that offer in a less than public way (smoke filled back room) and the FBI were recording the conversation they would indeed be indicted and prosecuted.

    Well, at least when the FBI had integrity. Given that, I doubt Rosie has anything to worry about.

    She’ll be interviewed, no notes, recording or documentation (like Hillary’s interview), she’ll be deemed careless and no “real” intent will be found.

    After-all she’s a progressive socialist.
    If she had been a conservative …. well I think we all know what would happen.

  8. It’ll be a cold day in hell before that fat pig sees any kind of punishment…now if she were a conservative and done shit like that against that last asswipe, they’d have hanged her.

  9. Not holding my breath. Unless I inexplicably find myself in the same room with that individual*.
    BTW, Aren’t there some black activist “pastors” behind on their taxes?

    *You thought I was going to say “fat worthless smelly POS”, didn’t ya’?

  10. @Left Coast Dan, there was a tweet on my timeline today, I think it was from Patricia Arquette (someone retweeted) saying something like “it’s satire. She’s a comedienne.”
    I thought, well that’s how Kathy Griffin started her downhill trip.

  11. Tony R December 22, 2017 at 6:16 pm

    As much as I would love to see it, it will never happen.

    Did you watch the video of Donald at the link? He said he wanted to sue Rosey, so now is his golden opportunity to not only sue her, but let her see some prison time. Let’s just see how much she’ll flip her pie hole in the coming weeks. Do it Donald! These gift horses keep falling in his lap! Even Kathy Griffin is still crying about being dissed by the public. No work! Good! May want to think twice about opening up your pie holes Rosie and Kathy.

  12. P.S. there’s enough videos of her and tweets to show that she’s serious about destroying Donald Trump. I believe in the Donald, and I believe he won’t let this golden opportunity escape him.

  13. Here’s what Trump should do. The FBI should independently arrest her. Let her be tried and sentenced quickly. Then “Trump The Merciful” would pardon her, thus rendering any more of her anti-Trump rhetoric as hypocritical and thankless.

  14. Put it in a mens prison.
    It shouldn’t be allowed to take advantage of the weaker sex.

    Or just shoot it and put it out of its misery … or out of OUR misery.

    izlamo delenda est …

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