Round Up Required – IOTW Report

Round Up Required

Time to round up all these scumbag Feds disguised as Trump supporters on J6………Here he’s showing his badge.

14 Comments on Round Up Required

  1. I’m just trying to imagine the weaselly, bootlick pieces of shit who would enthusiastically and uncritically perform like whores and debase themselves in the service of their even more unprincipled masters.

    I hope they all wake up sweating at 3:00 AM every morning in a panic, suddenly fully aware of just what miserable sell-outs they truly are, and they become so addicted to sedatives and antidepressants that they can no longer perform their horrible “jobs”.

    That sounds harsh, but it would be a fraction of the pain and misery that they bring down on good, honest people who are exercising their rights within the law.

  2. Haven’t seen the propaganda machine issue their approved talking points yet. I bet they try to ignore the videos.
    How many people in DC will be announcing retirements soon?

  3. ThirdTwin

    You just described the sell out life of our pinko loving Stasi hall monitors. First rate Alphabet cowards who think as fellow travelers they will be spared by the elite when the backstabbing bastards will be the first to go.

    How does it feel you slime weasels to know you can never measure up to a single molecule of a real patriot?

    Get bent you fascist fuckers, oh wait, you already are…


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