Royal Air Force confirms ISIS-aimed ‘love from Manchester’ bomb photo was genuine – IOTW Report

Royal Air Force confirms ISIS-aimed ‘love from Manchester’ bomb photo was genuine

Washington Times: Royal Air Force officials have confirmed the authenticity of a bomb headed for the Islamic State group scrawled with the message, “love from Manchester.”

Images of the Paveway IV bomb went viral this week after suicide bomber Salman Abedi, 22, killed 22 people Ariana Grande concert at Manchester Arena.

An RAF spokesman said the airman responsible for adding the personalized message to the bomb meant for the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, will not face disciplinary action.

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14 Comments on Royal Air Force confirms ISIS-aimed ‘love from Manchester’ bomb photo was genuine

  1. Why is this even newsworthy? Messages have been written on bombs since WWII. It helps the morale of the troops. The airman responsible damn well better not face any discipline, if anything, he should be promoted to the next rank.

  2. Not so Great Britain Bombs ISIS when they are afar, welcome ISIS Fighters back to England from the Islamic carnage with open arms and many government benefits.

    And they wonder how terrorism happened in Manchester.
    Ignorance on a grand scale.

  3. It’s newsworthy because of the breathless moaning about “retaliation” against the poor moslems the left is anticipating.

    Well, here’s your retaliation, you fuckwads.

  4. Our brothers in England (all of Europe, really) do not have nearly the same free speech rights we do. And the Leftists there use that fact to stifle dissent, criticism, and displays of patriotism such as this.

  5. This is actually an act of great diplomacy!
    Just in case any in the target area happens to catch the bomb in flight, they will know where to send “Thank you” notes.

  6. Ed- That’s not Fair, just feeding the hungry here ?
    I saw a guest on Fox yesterday, who said the U.K has officially 23,000 Known Jihadist’s living among them and that’s only the ones they know about. They acively follow some 500 of them on a daily basis, this is worse than I thought.

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