Rubio Lies About Ted Cruz Because He Can’t Compete Otherwise – IOTW Report

Rubio Lies About Ted Cruz Because He Can’t Compete Otherwise

JenKuznicki: Are we so used to the world’s march to the left that we can no longer understand our individual rights and the reasons and arguments that led to America?

cruz goes after rubio

According to the New York Times, Marco Rubio seems to have a problem with your individual rights. That must be why he’s spending time and money trying to portray Ted Cruz as Chuck Schumer’s best buddy.

Rubio is still claiming that the USA Freedom Act, which Cruz and Lee championed, resulted in an inability for national security experts to track terrorism, going so far as to say that if there were a terrorist attack on Thanksgiving, it would be in part due to Cruz’s support for that bill. Oh how things would be different if a Democrat made that charge. Republicans would be out in force denouncing them for “hoping for a terrorist attack.”

But with Rubio, the now-darling of the GOP establishment, Republicans are laughing off the danger of having the government gather your bulk data without a warrant.  read more


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