Rubio: ‘Mexico Is Not Going to Pay For the Wall’ – IOTW Report

Rubio: ‘Mexico Is Not Going to Pay For the Wall’

Breitbart : Sunday ABC’s “This Week,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said Mexico will not pay for President Donald Trump’s proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Rubio said, “We met with the foreign minister and it did come up in our meeting. Let me just say, Mexico is not going to pay for the wall. By the way, America should, if we believe it’s in our national interests to do so but I do think there is a lot we can work on with Mexico. I think the Mexican government is open, for example, to renegotiating key points of NAFTA, on intellectual property as an example.”  Watch the video

SNIP: If the wall is built, on which side of it does Rubio want to be?

25 Comments on Rubio: ‘Mexico Is Not Going to Pay For the Wall’

  1. ” If the wall is built, on which side of it does Rubio want to be?”

    Well if he ends up on the other side hopefully he takes Lindsay and Mcstain with him. Mcstain is totally losing it.

  2. Rubio, the appeaser looking forward 4 years.

    Mexico doesn’t wanna play? Send busloads of central and south American illegal immigrants back the way they came…through Mexico, cut all federal funding directed to Mexico and all funds transferred to Mexican by illegal aliens will not be allowed. And how about stopping ATF from sending more guns to the cartel?

  3. Do a kickstarter I will be happy to pay $100 a month to build the wall. Stop beating it to death and build it.
    And start the 25 million plus roundup and get the people out of my country
    What part of illegal don’t you get?

  4. It’s a moot point as to who pays for it, so long as it’s up.

    The drain on our economic system will be relaxed, and that billion or so could pay for most of it.

    This ‘who pays for it’ is President Trumps way of getting the discussion going for starting progress. We already have unfunded legislation to build one. Now all we have to do is pay for it.

    I say redirect UN funding, Illegal healthcare, Seized Clinton fundation funds, Diane Finestiens Ill-gotten fortune, etc, etc.

  5. I think T-Rex Tillerson was asked the same question yesterday (the alphabet news have so few interesting questions), and he said the subject of payment hasn’t come up in any of his meetings with Mexico. Liddle Marco is going to have to learn the hard way, I guess.

  6. Little Marco is facing a career decision.

    His combover can’t keep up with the balding.

    Time for an actual toupee.

    Maxine Waters’ wig guy to the rescue.

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