Rubio Rips Media Outlets Who Say There Is No Voter ‘Fraud’ In Florida – IOTW Report

Rubio Rips Media Outlets Who Say There Is No Voter ‘Fraud’ In Florida

DC: Marco Rubio fumed on Twitter Tuesday over reports that claim there is no voter fraud in Florida.

Florida is in the middle of a recount for multiple state and national positions, including the critical Florida U.S. Senate seat and governorship, both initially won by Republicans. Multiple members of the media and a Judge have ruled that there is no fraud that has occurred in Florida. Rubio, who has been on the warpath against various election officials in Palm Beach and Broward Counties, sounded off on Twitter Tuesday.

“No fraud?” Rubio asked, “Fine. Then what is the right word for Broward submitting vote totals that include ballots disqualified by canvassing board (as reported by Miami Herald)?” Rubio was referring to a report by the Miami Herald detailing how illegal ballots were “accidentally” mixed in with counted ballots in Broward County.  more here

19 Comments on Rubio Rips Media Outlets Who Say There Is No Voter ‘Fraud’ In Florida

  1. Anyone saying there is no voter fraud, or passes it off as “accidental” is pushing the big Communist lie! There are no accidents or coincidences when it comes to things the Left will do.

  2. The fact that they are still referred to as media is a joke. The leftists corrupt everything they’re involved with and the news organizations are strictly advocacy groups who’ll never admit to their bias.

  3. Perhaps it’s time for the Fort Lauderdale Ballot Party. A bunch of patriots disguise themselves as Seminoles, occupy the Broward election HQ, grab all the ballots and toss them into the nearest canal.

  4. I am astounded at how many insane people voted for democrats this cycle as evidenced by democrats taking back the house. Where dems couldn’t win, they use voter fraud to steal the election and the voters are OK with it.

    How can that be?

    The media has been totally taken over by the totalitarian left which has given cover to social media when they do the same and academia to continue indoctrination.

    I fear we’ve reached the end. This is the tipping point and, without massive exposure of fraud and jail sentences, we’re destroyed- not with a bang but a whimper.

  5. “No fraud?” Rubio asked, “Fine. Then what is the right word for Broward submitting vote totals that include ballots disqualified by canvassing board (as reported by Miami Herald)?”

    …I call it a typical Democrat-run “election”, which is kind of a synonym…

  6. “Funny how Rubio and Graham find their manhood once McCain was dead…”

    @Tom, Rubio has found nothing but a threat to HIS food bowl. He was only elected because of disputing Lefties splitting the fraud vote between themselves inefficiently (he says so in the Spanish language account of it himself in “Un Hijo Americano”), and he KNOWS if the Dems get all their fraud squads pointed in the same direction, he’s toast.

    So to HIM, it’s personal.

    Make no mistake, he’s still a small-handed, small minded Never Trumper failed Presidential candidate, but he CAN be relied upon to be on the side of the angels if the threat includes HIM…

  7. This is nothing compared to what they’ll try in 2020.
    Voter id needs to be passed.
    Thankfully the R’s still have the Senate and Trump can get Constitution abiding judges appointed.
    That will be key to activist judges not being able to strike down everything he does.

  8. @beachmom – Florida HAS voter ID. It also has corrupt election officials who know they can violate the law and get away with it because THEY ALWAYS HAVE.

    Brenda Snipes was found guilty of election fraud in 2016 but continues in the job without penalty.

  9. Republicans are spineless, progressive, stealth Democrat, lying, establishment, fuck the little people, flyover mocking, Rat Bastards and I am DONE with them. There is really only one party after all and it wants nothing good for WE THE PEOPLE.

  10. “^ I think you missed my point.”

    No, @aleon, it just takes too long to go through all the years and politics to point out that if the RINOs WEREN’T so spineless and easily led to the dark side by Democrats, that we would NEVER have had the type of environment that would allow President Trump to have BECOME President Trump.

    …so, all things serve the Lord, and there’s NO evil he can’t turn to His purposes.

    Not even the evil of treasonous, turncoat “republicans” or “Never Trumpers”…


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