Rubio to serve as acting chair of Senate intel committee – IOTW Report

Rubio to serve as acting chair of Senate intel committee

WaTimes: Sen. Marco Rubio, Florida Republican, will be the next acting chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced Monday.

The announcement comes less than a week after Sen. Richard Burr, North Carolina Republican, stepped down as chair of the committee amid a probe into his stock dealings earlier this year ahead of the coronavirus pandemic.

Mr. Burr has come under scrutiny for stock trades he made in February after lawmakers were briefed behind-closed-doors about the pandemic. He has denied any wrongdoing on accusations of insider trading. more

25 Comments on Rubio to serve as acting chair of Senate intel committee

  1. Mitch is the behind-the-scenes puppeteer who holds a knife to the presidents throat while proclaiming loyalty to the cause.
    He’s the closest thing to fungus you’ll ever see on two legs.

  2. I am getting whiplash. Sometimes, Mitch does good, like standing up to Bela Pelosi, and then he turns around and does something like this.

    Sidetrack – What is your favorite Bela Lugosi film? I know that Dracula is his most famous, but I like The Black Cat better.

  3. Don’t forget your water there Marco…don’t you all worry though, MM will be GONE IF Schlichter is correct, because the Constitutionalists Cons will not show in November, or any November there after.

    @Gladys – we had a bet, remember? You lost so pony up!

    You said something about May 5th, and this being all over?


  4. Rubio’s come through in the clinch.
    He may not be a Conservative conservative but he’s better than most.

    For everybody bitching about L’il Marco, who would you pick?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @Tim – I agree that Marco is better than many, but there are better options. My picks include Blunt, Collins (kidding!!!), Cornyn, Manchin (yeah, I know, a democrat, but…), and possibly some of the newer members, but I haven’t got a good read on them.

  6. @Ghost – You can have all of my Thuesday iOTW bucks. Yeah, I guess I was a little too optimistic. The media is still fanning the panic long after it’s sell-by date.

  7. @Gladys – I was ribbing ya. :>)

    No worries, just ‘wire’ what ya have to @BFH and he’ll forward!

    We can use it here…send me a joke, a song, Critter vid, history or something, as the debt…and that will settle it just fine…



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