Rubio unveils plan providing paid parental leave in exchange for delaying retirement – IOTW Report

Rubio unveils plan providing paid parental leave in exchange for delaying retirement


Parents could draw from their Social Security early to spend time with a new child in exchange for delaying retirement, under a proposal unveiled by Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.

The move to address paid family leave is unusual for a Republican, as the idea has typically had Democratic support, and it’s unclear whether Rubio’s idea will be able to gain traction. Although a House version of the legislation, the Economic Security for New Parents Act, will be filed by Rep. Ann Wagner, R-Mo., it does not yet have any co-sponsors in the Senate.

The details of the Economic Security for New Parents Act were unveiled Wednesday evening and discussed in a call with reporters Thursday. The provision would be voluntary and would not add taxes to people’s paychecks. In exchange for the leave, parents would delay retirement benefits from three to six months. more

26 Comments on Rubio unveils plan providing paid parental leave in exchange for delaying retirement

  1. As a zero-sum it isn’t necessarily a bad idea, although I’m not bothering to look at the details. Now pair that with legislation allowing wage earners to control a portion of their FICA deduction and perhaps I would be interested.

  2. Right that is exactly what we need, more people tapping into Social Security. Right when we are FINALLY getting people off SS Disability we need to add a new category. So thankful Rubio has been exposed as a total fraud and is never getting near the Oval Office.

  3. This proposal could be cost neutral or save money in the future. Yes, there will be payouts for paid family leave now, but the delay in paying Social Security retirement benefits in the future would result in cost savings.

    Unpaid family leave is required for many businesses and companies now, and it seems only a matter of time before some sort of paid family leave will be required. The liberal solution is just to raise taxes, but Rubio’s proposal at least provides a mechanism for potential cost savings on the back end – Social Security payouts as adjusted in the future would likely be higher than family leave payouts now, and a delay in retirement would be beneficial.

    It’s worth considering before rejecting it out of hand.

  4. You are dead in the water if you accept the liberal premise that either a business or a government needs to pay you a family leave. The Republican party should not in any way participate in growing government programs or mandates. Period.

  5. Yeah, like that’s ever gonna happen. A few years from now, there will be scads of crying libs on TV sobbing about granny not getting her SS check for another three years. Sob, Sob.

  6. Wyatt: The problem I see with little Marco’s plan, is in 30 years when all the “disadvantaged” people who took advantage of this program reach retirement age, the Dems will forget about the “deal”, and promise these people early retirement in exchange for votes. The media will parade out poor minorities who are eating dog food due to the mean republicans who won’t give them their Social Security checks. You know, kind of like student loans situation now.

    Edit: Burner, you were posting while I was typing. Great minds…

  7. The other issue I can see is the Democrats getting into power and granting open borders citizens who the moment they set foot in the country will be demanding future SS payments now in exchange for….um…well they will be contributing, uh yeah we’ll figure something out.

    Also Lil’ Rubio, what are you going to do for all the illegals & criminals who are committing ID theft and they start stealing somebody’s future SS money now. Imagine the millions of Americans who are all set to start collecting and find out they are now on an extended waiting list for even less money because some criminal milked it 30 years earlier.

  8. @Diana:

    Rino Rubio needs to be sent home to Florida.

    We here in FL definitely want him out of DC, but please please please we don’t want him back here, either. He should go to some place he feels more at home. Some place like Chicago.

  9. Rubio is one destructive RINO. This whole thing is none of the govt business. So, someone else should pay for a workers time off? Why? Just driving up the cost of doing business. From a republican for crying out loud. Sick of this guy. He’s the new McCain.

  10. I said all along Little Marco was an infiltrator, a tool of the progressive movement, particularly the establishment Republican element, and that was up to no good and an enemy of the Tea Party movement. Boy how the establishment Republicans resented that assessment.

  11. Who wouldn’t go for an SS advance if there is no financial cost, only a delay in benefits? When foolish gimmicks like Rubio’s screw up Social Sexurity even more, they’re going to raise the retirement age for everybody anyway.

  12. Since parents choose, to your ungrateful benefit, the difficult and expensive task of raising future federal taxpayers they should be given governmental support or encouragement at least for having them. At the very least they should not be penalized for growing the tax base that you will live on when your are not supporting yourself anymore.

  13. We don’t want him back in FL in any capacity other than dominos competitor in MeeAhMee. I didn’t vote for him the last time, the shameless turd couldn’t carry one county but his own, Miami-Dade, and still had the audacity to return to the senate after the Trump beat down.

    Unbelievable we’re stuck with him until 2023! We need a solid replacement. BFH, I implore you to step up and serve your country!!

  14. @jmb August 3, 2018 at 12:33 pm

    > if you cannot afford to have kids, don’t spawn

    In the collegial spirit of compromise, how about we do both?

    In addition to Social Security paying for family leave (hand waves, then a miracle happens, poof! cost free!), how about we offer people paid Social Security leave (added onto the backend of their eventual retirement age) for every week they don’t get (somebody) pregnant?

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