Rudy Giuliani slams delay of Durham report: ‘unconscionable’ – IOTW Report

Rudy Giuliani slams delay of Durham report: ‘unconscionable’

Just the News –

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani says the now-discredited Russia probe involved misdeeds “pretty close to treason,” and it is “unconscionable” that Attorney General Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham won’t finish their report or prosecute others before the Election Day.

“I know he has evidence about how, and it’s coming out. Does anybody now doubt that Hillary Clinton developed the Russian collusion plot? They’re just so biased they’ll never be able to function in life probably,” Guiliani told “The Water Cooler with David Brody,” one of Just the News new TV shows.

Giuliani expressed his disappointment on Friday saying that the announcement that the Durham report most likely won’t be released before the election is “unconscionable.”  read more

11 Comments on Rudy Giuliani slams delay of Durham report: ‘unconscionable’

  1. He’s right.

    It’s also unconscionable that we’re holding a confirmation hearing for Barrett. We have the votes. Move on. Are we still trying to be friends with our liberal senators? We’re wasting time. They deserve a Bowie knife up their collective ass for what they’ve tried to do to Trump.

    Fuck that shit.

  2. Republicans are just BAD at Politics

    If they are the minority, they get steamrolled, if they are in the majority, they can’t bring charges against Charles Manson, and get nothing done.

    Every time they mail me a donation letter, I send it back with 1 penny taped to it with a note, “Do something FIRST, then you will have cause to ask for money.”

  3. VPN is absolutely right, we suck at politics. I don’t know if its because the other side is meaner, less principled, unmoored from any socially acceptable standards, or if they just understand better how the game is played.

    Jess Unruh, the famous California politicians once said, “If you can’t take their money, drink their whiskey and fuck their women, then vote against them, then you got no business in politics”.

    And as far as Rudy saying this is unconscionable, thank you Captain Obvious.

  4. It is painfully obvious the the deep state is stalling indictments to maintain the employment viability of the culprits in a Harris/Biden administration. McCabe, Strzok, Brennan, Clapper, Yates, McCord, Baker…every name in Sundance’s Hall of Shame…Wray, Priestap, the Ohrs, Farkas, Rosenstein and many more…They’ll all be back, cleansed by the whitewash media baptism and born again into the deep state.

    Meanwhile, guys like Giuliani and Flynn are slandered, threatened and prosecuted almost into oblivion for daring to challenge the treacherous establishment set. I am in awe of the people who stand by President Trump and what they have accomplished in the face of such entrenched and powerful opposition. May they hold the wolves at bay for four more years.

  5. The delay means that despite months of saying that they were ready and about to issue indictments; Durham, the FBI, and the Intel agencies have no intention of operating under the law and Constitution. That question has been answered.

    Subotai Bahadur

  6. Republicans aren’t ‘bad’ at politics. They’re just corrupt bastards taking the easy way.
    We have to decimate the GOP before there is any hope of trusting it at all.


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