Rudy Giuliani STOMPS Smug Michigan Representative – IOTW Report

Rudy Giuliani STOMPS Smug Michigan Representative

27 Comments on Rudy Giuliani STOMPS Smug Michigan Representative



  2. He needs to go after Red State and in particular Jeff Charles. He has an ignorant post up that Trump still has no proof/evidence of fraud and the new videos don’t prove any wrongdoing, basically because the crooked SOS says so.
    Then I was reading the comments and commenters are getting timeouts or warned for not being nice to him. I don’t have a problem with telling people not to attack others, I can even go as far as to say it’s your site and if you don’t want your writers called idiots that’s fine(although they should have a little thicker skin), but double standards tick me off, if you can’t take it then you shouldn’t be dishing it out. I left RedState when they were anti-Trump, then they came around, now it appears they’re going back the other way. So I guess it will be removed from my bookmarks again.
    A few comments they didn’t like:
    Redstate has some great writers…..and then they have Jeff Charles.

    Hmmm? Let you know what I think in the comments. I think you would have to gain a few IQ points to rise to idiot level. Seriously, coincidences are very, very rare. Multiple coincidences that are similar across different states and within a finite time span are NOT coincidences unless one is, of course, an idiot. I prefer the rules of Jethro Gibbs myself. But, then again, my IQ is well over 100, well over.

    Jeff Charles coincidentally has the same initials as Joe Cunningham and seems to have taken over his role…

    I saw the graph, dumb@$$. I’m the engineer. You’re the journalism major. Got it?

    Now to some of Jeff Charles replies to some of them:

    You mean Ruby Freeman, the lady who Gateway Pundit smeared as a criminal with no evidence?

    If you think that, you might want to actually read my work instead of getting your feelings hurt.

    Sure, sunshine.

    Your argument is based on emotion, therefore it is crap.

  3. Forget it, Old Racist White Woman, it’s RedState. Erick Erickson founded that mess, and they’re stillreek of his taint, long after he left. All the chickenshit nevertrumpers are flying their freak flags now. Phukkem.

  4. BTW, one of Kelly Loeffler’s staffers, Harrison Deal, was killed in a car accident today. Big fireball, three cars, a la Michael Hastings. Deal was dating Governor Kemp’s daughter.

    They’re playing for keeps, and they really, really want the Senate. Not looking good here.

  5. Thirdtwin, I know pretty much all of Salem media has been anti-Trump and imo only stopped being in your face about it because they were losing traffic. I’m sure now they think he’s soon going to be gone and just like the GOP think they can all return to business as usual. What none of them get some of us and likely the majority of us aren’t going to go back to business as usual. We did that for years and ended up with scum who cared less about Americans, which is why we voted for Trump. Now you think we’ll just move along, read your bullshit and vote for the same scum again or vote at all when we now know it’s very damn likely our vote doesn’t go to who we voted for anyway. So to heck with all of them, I won’t give their sites clicks and I won’t be voting again if they’re allowed to get away with this.
    I’m pretty darn sure it won’t matter anyway, our country will be gone unless we go to civil war.

  6. Rudy saved NYC so fuck off libs!!

    I was there to WITNESS it.

    Before that? HE TOOK OUT THE NYC MOB from a DC office.


    I’m listening to his re-broadcast on 770AM right now.

    His daytime show is from 3-4 PM EST.

  7. Old Racist White Woman- I just saw that! The story was crap. Honestly.
    I think they may have deleted comments. lol

    The author still glossing over the fact that the watchers were still told to leave, etc. And never mentioning the fact that the article after his showed contradicting statements from those within the election dept.

  8. MJA, that Jeff Charles guy is as bad as Eric Erickson, Rick Moran, and Allahpundit. All I see him writing is anti-Trump crap and there is no fraud election, and Trump is making people not trust our election system and is damaging our democratic process. They all say there is no evidence, are they really that stupid? Heck you don’t have to be an attorney to know that sworn affidavits are evidence, video is evidence. What the heck do they think evidence is?
    Trump did not make us not trust our election system, watching votes with our own eyes on election night switching from Trump to Biden and thousands of votes magically appearing for Biden is what makes us not trust our election system. Every state in the country using tabulating machines all based off the same software makes us not trust any election.

  9. Oh, it gets even better. We don’t hear from this CHILD again until he’s asked by the chair if he has any questions for Col. Waldron, following Waldon’s presentation of quantum statistics (using the state’s own election data). At which time the kid who has a bedroom full of participation trophies says, “I’ll pass.”

  10. BURN! Rudy does not suffers fools.
    Noticed the punk from Michigan had the nerve to say what he stated about Rudy was “reported”. No doubt his source was the leftist media which is fake news and defamatory – exactly what Rudy said.


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