Rudy Giuliani Unchained – IOTW Report

Rudy Giuliani Unchained

TheLid: Damn! I have seen Rudy Giuliani speak before, but I have NEVER seen him speak with the passion and emotion that he displayed on the first night of the RNC.

He chided the press for the way they portray Trump

I have known Donald Trump for almost 30 years. And he has created and accomplished great things.   But beyond that this is a man with a big heart. Every time New York City suffered a tragedy, Donald Trump was there to help.And he did it anonymously. (I bet that’s a surprise)

He attacked Barack Obama’s divisiveness, referring to an Obama convention speech he:

“What happened to, ‘There’s no black America, there’s no white America. There is just America,””

He went after Hillary Clinton’s term as secretary of state;

10 Comments on Rudy Giuliani Unchained

  1. @bob_annon – you’re right and we honest-by-the-book patriots fall for it every time. Our response should be FU lefty, now wasn’t Sean Smith’s mother terrific? Weren’t you moved to tears by the words of Luttrell, of the Benghazi heroes, the parents of children killed by illegals? Didn’t Giuliani hit it out of the park? Wasn’t Chief Clarke excellent and did you know that beautiful Melania speaks 6 languages – none of them ebonics?

  2. I still remember Giuliani’s speech from 2008. One of the best – second only to Sarah’s. I like Giuliani every time he comes on TV. THe Truth Hammer. I hope he makes it to the Attorney General position – especially instead of Christie.

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