Ruffles makes waves with ad – IOTW Report

Ruffles makes waves with ad

Patriot Retort: Are all vegans fussy, humorless dinks?

Boy, don’t make a joke at the expense of vegans. Because they do not like that.

Ruffles potato chips found that out the hard way this Thanksgiving.


They sent out this humorous post on Instagram, and vegans had a collective meltdown.

25 Comments on Ruffles makes waves with ad

  1. My sister serves 15 different chip type snacks before the thanksgiving meal. Chip and dip are my favorite but I eat so much I don’t want any dinner.
    The history of potato chips is interesting
    My sister works in the snack food industry

  2. Patriot Retort: Are all vegans fussy, humorless dinks?

    Yes and then some. I belong to a couple of closed groups on F-book for TNR and animal rescue. The vegans are humorless progressive blobs. They were having a collective fit over Lays and screaming about Lays using breast milk (cow’s milk). On and on and more screaming and ranting.

  3. They posted this on facebook also. You’ve got to hand it to them. They haven’t taken it down. You can still go there and make fun of the vegans or just let Ruffles know you like it. Make the vegans more triggered.

  4. Trader Joe’s dill pickle flavored potato chips are rather good. Lay’s biscuit and gravy chips should come with a gravy packet that you can dip them in. But good old fashioned bbq chips are still the best, especially the kettle cooked ones like Tim’s, they’re too darned addictive and rarely last more than a day.

  5. All Leftist Libtard Progs are humorless, all the time.
    Vegans are a subset of LLPs, as are EvniroWeenies, FemiNazis, BLM, LaRaza. Therefore , vegans are humorless.

  6. Think about it. If you intentionally deprive yourself of joy, like your menu, you probably were humorless in the first place. Veganism is akin to those muzzies who beat themselves with swords and whips.

  7. It’s a well-known scientific FACT that vegetables feel pain, just as do animals.
    It’s a well-known scientific FACT that vegetables grieve at the loss of their children (seeds and fruit), just as do bovines, porcines, ovines, and non-socialist humans.
    It’s a well-known scientific FACT that vegetables are very resentful of those who single them out (exclusively) for consumption and genocide.
    It’s a well-known scientific FACT that they are planning their revenge – EVEN AS I WRITE THIS!

    izlamo delenda est …

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