Rugby player who swallowed garden slug as dare fights Australian government over health bills – IOTW Report

Rugby player who swallowed garden slug as dare fights Australian government over health bills


FOX: In 2010 at a friend’s party, strapping 19-year-old rugby player Sam Ballard swallowed a garden slug as a dare.

A group of young friends was sitting around at a table drinking red wine when a slug was produced and one of them said: “Eat it, I dare you.”

Ballard swallowed the slug.

Prior to this, Ballard’s mother Katie had thought her son as a “larrikin” (hooligan) but “invincible,” that nothing could ever happen to him.

She described him as “my rough-and-tumble Sam.”

But the teenager’s life was to take a devastating turn.

Ballard, from Sydney’s north shore, fell ill and was taken to Royal North Shore Hospital where he was diagnosed as having been infected with rat lungworm. more here

20 Comments on Rugby player who swallowed garden slug as dare fights Australian government over health bills

  1. It’s rare but it happens to people who eat fresh from the garden salads too. Some of these slugs are tiny and can be missed while washing the greens so beware.
    The combination of young people and alcohol on occasion produce the Darwin effect so if you have a leftist bent I recommend that you drink up.

  2. The socialist government wants this boy to die. They call capitalists heartless, but only Marxist bastards calculate this man’s life as a drain on state resources and write him off.

  3. *I* see no reason for the man not to die. If he’d flipped a convertible and broken his neck, things would have been easier.

    If the family wants 24×7 care, pay for it!

    There is zero reason public tax dollars should be wasted in this way.
    …..Lady in Red

  4. Young people do stupid things. Most grow out of their stupidity. This young man will never get the chance. I side with his family on this. Their lives are already in shambles, now they will face financial ruin as well.

    Australia should take some of the money they waste on “immigrants” and use it for this young man’s care.

  5. There was a young man who swallowed a slug
    Ug! Ug!
    He swallowed a slug.
    It wriggled and jiggled and infected inside him.
    And gave him diseases, there is no cure.
    Perhaps he’ll die.

    (h/t “There was an old lady who swallowed a fly”)

  6. As the great Maggie Thatcher said, “The problem with socialism is that, eventually, you run out of other people’s money.”

    I, personally, once knew a baby who had cost “somebody” $1.75 million and he was just under two years old. He was, hopelessly, going to continue to burn bucks at that rate, however long he lived (and I think his life span was looking promisingly long, assuming……) As his grandmother told me, “Money is not the object.” Of course not: it wasn’t her money.

  7. @MissInMi: Thank you for the kind words. Usually comments about my “wit” involve words like “juvenile”, “twisted”, and “groan-inducing”, so it’s nice when someone else with a weird sense of humor comes along to appreciate it.

    Actually, I should probably confine ALL my comments to (attempted) humor, because the
    last time I tried to express an actual opinion here, some proselytizer threatened me with
    an eternal Lake of Fire. That’s enough to put anyone off their feed.


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