Rumble CEO exposes Dunkin’ Donuts for pressuring platform away from ‘right-wing culture’ – IOTW Report

Rumble CEO exposes Dunkin’ Donuts for pressuring platform away from ‘right-wing culture’

American Wire:

Dunkin’ Donuts is facing a burgeoning boycott from the right for refusing to advertise on the video-sharing platform Rumble.

Rumble, a YouTube competitor that prioritizes free speech, has allowed dissidents on the right and left to voice their views without fear of censorship. For this, it’s often been labeled “right-wing” by Democrats and their adoring media allies.

Unfortunately, Dunkin’ Donuts has fallen for this narrative hook, line, and sinker, according to tweets posted this Wednesday by Rumble founder Chris Pavlovski.

In the tweets, he revealed that Dunkin’ Donuts and its parent company,  Inspire Brands, have refused to advertise on Rumble because of its alleged “right-wing culture” and because of right-wing influencers like Steven Crowder: more

13 Comments on Rumble CEO exposes Dunkin’ Donuts for pressuring platform away from ‘right-wing culture’

  1. From the Internet on Inspire Brands: “it owns the Arby’s, Buffalo Wild Wings, Sonic Drive-In, Jimmy John’s, Mister Donut, Dunkin’ Donuts, and Baskin-Robbins chains.”

  2. Used to be you could get a tasty donut and good coffee at Dunkin. These days I don’t eat donuts and their coffee sucks so I haven’t made a purchase there in years. I guess I’ll boycott in spirit.

  3. I haven’t been to a Dunkin Donuts in probably 8 or 9 years. Our company owner buys donuts from a grocery store for the shop every Friday, they’re cheaper, better and HUGE compared to Dunkins.

  4. Because of irrelevant outside reasons, I had some time ago installed the Dunkin app on my phone and set up an account. This morning I jumped through their annoying hoops to delete the account (and subsequently the app). When asked for why I was shit-canning them, I wrote, “Dunkin is trying to force Rumble to censor political viewpoints. That’s very bad regardless of your politics.”

    @DavidW — Thanks for posting that brand list.

  5. There are no Dunkin Donuts in my part of the country out here in the great Inland Empire of the PNW. My daughter was in Boston last week to watch the Red Sox play the Mariners at Fenway Park and tells me that Dunkin’s coffee sucks, it must be an East coast thing.

  6. Not gonna throw out the bag of DD’s coffee, but we’ll NEVER buy another. FJB. Got no use for those who thrived in a competitive, free market capitalistic economy, then supported communism. FJB.


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