Rumors Swirl at the Vatican That Pope Francis May Soon Retire – IOTW Report

Rumors Swirl at the Vatican That Pope Francis May Soon Retire

American Greatness:
In the past year, rumors have swirled in Rome that Pope Francis may soon retire, and in the past few days, those rumors have accelerated. The 85-year-old’s frail health is one reason for the speculation.  In recent weeks, he has been confined to a wheelchair due to debilitating knee pain.

He also reportedly struggles to stand due to his sciatica.  The “Woke Pope” recently cancelled a trip to Africa scheduled for next month due to his knee ailment, “raising questions about his ability to walk during the rest of his papacy,” according to Reuters.

Since his surgery for diverticulitis last year, Vatican reporters have allegedly been on “conclave watch.”

The rumors gained steam earlier this month when Francis announced a council of cardinals to create 21 new cardinals on Aug. 27. more

29 Comments on Rumors Swirl at the Vatican That Pope Francis May Soon Retire

  1. I’m not Catholic so this is totally inconsequential for me but for pure entertainment value, I think a Haitian female lesbian who is pro-choice, who hates guns, fossil fuels, and meritocracy, and thinks God lives in every person and just wants us all to be happy, ze/zir/hir would be a perfect choice.

  2. Mesikins used to like this guy. Now only Argentinians do. Losing the respect of of an entire hemisphere is the noteworthy thing this douche has accomplished. Hell, he doesn’t even go to Mesiko. Just sends a bishop.

    Fuck this Pope. No one’s supposed to clock in before the other guy clocks out and NO ONE retires. It’s not just a job.

    Dudes a secular administrator trying to promote his agenda over the teachings of the Church.

    Maybe once he’s out I can finally baptize my kids.

  3. @Burrmigo–

    Go ahead–your children would be be baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

    I don’t see any pope in that line-up, anywhere. The help comes and goes. The Boss remains.

  4. If you weren’t paying close attention you’d a missed it. Certainly not a big fan of this moron. However shit turned south for him when he came out publicly and announced he was reversing his opinion on Russia invading the Ukraine. He stated the U.N. forced their hand. Boom, gone.

  5. Goodbye, good riddance and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out of the Papacy. Who knows, maybe we’ll get a twofer with the Pope and joey both retiring from the world scene at the same time. Throw in Hellary and it’ll be a trifecta.

  6. Bergoglio is a wicked and evil political appointment by a wicked and evil element within the College of Cardinals. That’s the long and short of it. Straight up Marxist.

  7. Burrmigo.
    JUNE 20, 2022 AT 10:42 PM

    …what the hell. You wander off to Mexico after writing a book, stay off radar for weeks even when I try to bait you out with fire training videos, only to pop back up without preamble or apologies to the group for depriving us of your wisdom for a random FakePope thread?

    …well, at least we know how to smoke you out in future. Welcome back.

    …but now I’m gonna make you mad and you’ll probably stomp off again, but I can’t let this go.

    I grew up in the Church under the reforms of John and “J2P2” as my Dad called him was his favorite Pope, but frankly guitar masses to try to attract the youths were an abomination unto God and never should have been done.

    There, I said it. It’s probably why He cursed us with FakePope,as punishment for badly sung bluesy hippie hymn offferings in place of scary sounding Latinite musical offerings.

    But they sure have done terribly since PJ zwei. He wasn’t perfect, the gays got in to undermine the Church under his watch, but he was light years better that the current offering for sure.

    …you may now kick the dust of Mexico off your boots onto my butt in reply.

    Welcome back.

  8. Francis the Talking Ass is no more Pope than I am.
    No more Pope than Joey Shit-Pants is Presidunce.
    No more Pope than vaccines that don’t immunize are vaccines.

    The Father of All Lies is orchestrating most of what goes on, now, and Francis the Talking Ass is his servant.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I wouldn’t want to be Pope and have the wrath of God come down on me during the Judgement for the things I have caused to lose their salvation. Matthew 18:6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”Nov 14, 2019

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