Run on the Banks in China – Long Lines in Henan, Shanghai, and Dandong – IOTW Report

Run on the Banks in China – Long Lines in Henan, Shanghai, and Dandong


People are reportedly lining up for hours in China to obtain money from their bank accounts in China.  The large cities of Henan, Shanghai, and Dandong are three cities where the lines are long.

After years of COVID mandates and a government that the average Chinese down deep doesn’t trust, the people of China are scared that they will not be able to retrieve their life savings.  In some cities, people are standing in line for hours to receive their money from their bank. more

8 Comments on Run on the Banks in China – Long Lines in Henan, Shanghai, and Dandong

  1. The only stronger driver of revolution (known today as “regime change”) than wide-spread bank failure is wide-spread food shortages and hunger. And the CCP may be about to face a double whammy.

  2. @ DavidW that was my thought all this war mongering. as well as the hash lock downs in China are a diversion and reaction to the Chinese people becoming more and more rebellious to their government. Part of it is a long-term result of the one child policy, where female children were slaughtered in the womb because male children were preferred by traditional Chinese families. This has created severe social problems, too many old people with not enough young workers to support them, and more importantly, a very large imbalance between the sexes. Millions of young men see no future prospect of getting married or having children in China, young un-married men with little future prospects get. restless, then angry and ultimately rebellious. I think I have written about this here before, the CCP has few choices left,
    They could slaughter the elderly, which would accelerate the real estate collapse already underway in China, they could loosen up economic and political restrictions and risk losing power like the soviets did in the 1990’s or they could start world war three.

    My fear is the have decided on WWIII, thanks why they installed Biden in the White house, it explains the attacks on our food supplies and the release of COvid bio weapon.


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