RuPaul Helps Deliver $100,000 to Planned Parenthood on ‘Price Is Right’ Special – IOTW Report

RuPaul Helps Deliver $100,000 to Planned Parenthood on ‘Price Is Right’ Special

Breitbart: Drag queen and Emmy-winning host RuPaul helped CBS’s The Price Is Right raise nearly $100,000 for Planned Parenthood during a special prime-time airing of the popular family game show Monday night.

The star of VH1’s RuPaul’s Drag Race joined The Price Is Right’s regular host Drew Carey as the show promised to match the winnings of its contestants with contributions to the nation’s largest abortion provider.

The special’s contestants ended up with prizes totaling $97,266.

However, the show appears to have lost longstanding fans for raising funds for Planned Parenthood, which profits from abortions. more

28 Comments on RuPaul Helps Deliver $100,000 to Planned Parenthood on ‘Price Is Right’ Special

  1. Will that show ask its contestants to come up with the prices for “fetal tissue” a/k/a murdered baby parts? How much for livers? Hearts? Brains?

    Sorry to be so gruesome, but that’s a natural for the show.

  2. Another self-loathing queer not wanting to “punish anyone with a baby” – unless they need a prop to pretend their sick lifestyle is legitimate or “normal”.

  3. ‘I thought Drew Carey was supposed to be conservative.’

    — Nope. He was libertarian for 10 minutes, though.
    His then preteen son was out making vulgar statements about Trump right after he won the primary.
    I can imagine what baby mama is like.

  4. And know you know why we approach the end times. Just as the sodomites demanded Lot produce the angels to be raped we have a abomination raising money to assist another abomination.

    If it were not for redemption through Christ we would all be ash long ago.

    Satan is approaching his zenith on earth. Be prepared.

  5. I wonder….

    At the end of the show did Drew Carey say, “Don’t forget to have your cats, dogs, daughters, mothers, and sisters spayed and neutered.”


    Ask someone 100 years ago, what would they think if a homosexual drag queen raised money on television so women can murder their own child, and after you explained:
    ⏺ Television
    ⏺ Drag queens
    ⏺ Abortion

    they’d be darn glad they wouldn’t be alive to witness it.

    Thanks democrats, when Iran calls America “The Great Satan” they’re talking about leftist America.

  7. Let’s celebrate (whatever that means) our differences or maybe just open up the mental institutions again.

    Come on people, get back to Church already.

  8. People, including professing Christians, often wonder and even shake their fists at the sky, demanding to know why God doesn’t step in and put a stop to ____________ (fill in the blank). Even atheists pull that in a hypocritical attempt to prove that God – a good and just God, anyway – doesn’t exist. For if He did exist, He’d have to intervene, so the thinking goes…His goodness and holiness would demand it.

    There’s more than one sound Biblical reason for the silence of God but the main one, which this incident illustrates, is as the apostle Paul tells us: Satan is the “god of this world,” meaning the entire world system is his and has been for a very long time. It isn’t that God isn’t “in control.” It’s that He has temporarily ceded control to man, who is easily influenced by Satan, to ultimately prove that all mankind is steeped in sin and utterly without excuse.

    So as scary as the thought may be to some of you, it is a fact that God is not intervening in the affairs of this wicked world system. Claiming and praying “If My people…” won’t redeem America, you’re wasting your time with that. God hasn’t stepped in since the time of the apostles, and His direct intervention stopped before the end of the book of Acts.

    No offense is meant by any of this, but if you think He is still directly involved and doing things to influnce world events, I’d like you to explain (1) where and when, and (2) why He’s so unjustly selective about where He (allegedly) intervenes and where He doesn’t. The burden of proof for that is on you, if you’re making that claim.

    In any case, the great and terrible Day of the Lord IS coming, when ALL shall be recompensed according to their works. But it is not yet. So expect even more of this wickedness…”as it was in the days of Noah…”

  9. Other big reason God has not intervened in the past 2,000 years is this.

    The apostle Paul says all the world has been counted as under sin so that God could have mercy upon all, equally and without distinction…Jew or Gentile, there is no longer any difference before Him. The first few chapters of Romans show that ALL are equally lost, therefore Christ died for the sins of ALL.

    This is called the dispensation of grace.

    Grace is the opposite of what?

    It’s the opposite of WRATH.

    That’s why He does not intervene: since God is not a respecter of persons — the Bible says this more than once — for God to smite His wrath upon, say, a genocidal dictator or serial child rapist, He would have to single that person out exclusively for punishment, when the fact is ALL have sinned and there is NONE that does good, no, not one. That’s God’s righteous estimation of our entire race.

    Bottom line: if He were to intervene, His holiness would demand He smite sin, but His righteousness would demand He smite ALL sin. That includes ALL of us and everyone we know, for ALL have sinned and all DO sin sooner or later.

    You know it and I know it.

    So to beg God to intervene and selectively smite a wicked person here or there would

    (a) demand He be a respecter of persons, therefore a corrupt, unjust judge Who smites some for sins and winks at the sins of others,


    (b) violate the grace which even Stalin, Mao, and Ted Bundy were under, just as we ALL are. God desired that those wicked men be saved, just as He desires that ALL would be saved. Whether they trust Christ or not, well, that’s up to the individual. But God gives people until their last dying breath to be saved.

    THAT is why He isn’t intervening.

    Intervening would demand WRATH, not grace.

    Are you sure that’s what you want? I prefer grace, even if that means the wicked continue to scoff and compound their wickedness. That’s okay…He will recompense them all in His time. But the fact stands: you can have His wrath, or you can have His grace, not both. One will exclude the other.

    As said before, His wrath IS coming, the second He ends this dispensation of grace. When will that be? Only He knows.

    Imprecatory prayers against the wicked mean well, but when you pray that way you have NO IDEA what you’re actually asking God to do.

  10. grool May 13, 2020 at 8:04 am
    “God hasn’t stepped in since the time of the apostles, and His (direct intervention) stopped before the end of the book of Acts.”

    Christ showed Us the way. Evil is winning in this battle for Our souls because too many are too lazy or afraid to fight. Isn’t it Our duty to join the battle to at least show worthiness of The Sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for Us?

  11. “Evil is winning in this battle for Our souls because too many are too lazy or afraid to fight. Isn’t it Our duty to join the battle to at least show worthiness of The Sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for Us?”

    How’s that been working out for you?

  12. @ mithrandir

    Even less time ago than that people would have told you that you were nuts if you had told them something like that would be on prime time television.

  13. What we tolerate; we get.
    What we subsidize; we get more of.
    When we subsidize what we tolerate; we drown the world in perversity and filth.

    This (these?) maxim(s) are apparent to the more dense among us – and should be glaringly obvious to those in power positions.

    There’s a fairly simple solution.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. “How’s that been working out for you?”

    Being well aware of What owns this world; I make it a point to be on the lookout for any opportunity to poke Evil in the eye, but that’s what soldiers of Christ do. 2 Timothy 2

  15. “God hasn’t stepped in since the time of the apostles, and His direct intervention stopped before the end of the book of Acts”
    I guess God must be asleep all this time.
    The miracles I’ve seen in my life and others have been the work of the devil then? Surely you jest? Why pray, ask, believe and hope? Is it just academic then?
    The kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of the Lord.

  16. Andy’s Dad,

    “Being well aware of What owns this world; I make it a point to be on the lookout for any opportunity to poke Evil in the eye, but that’s what soldiers of Christ do. 2 Timothy 2”

    Disagree, respectfully. Paul is talking about opposing false teachers among believers, within a church setting — who in fact DO work for Satan (“ministers of righteousness”) but that’s not the same as setting up ourselves to war with Satan’s secular world system.

    In fact, in v. 4, Paul told Timothy,

    “No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please Him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.”

    I’ll let you decide what that may or may not say about things like political involvement, definitly an “affair of this life” but that’s a personal judgment each must make for himself.

  17. Toenex,

    “The miracles I’ve seen in my life and others have been the work of the devil then? Surely you jest? Why pray, ask, believe and hope? Is it just academic then?”

    First, Satan can and has done lying signs and wonders to deceive the fooled. When Antichrist arrives, it will be like nothing anyone has ever seen before. One must always keep that in mind. Also, God tells us the reason He gave signs and wonders: as a sign to the nation Israel that His apostles spoke the truth.

    But that wasn’t the issue. The issue was much broader – why God doesn’t intevene in evil on a global scale, and doesn’t do so in an unquestionable manner as He did in the O.T. and the Acts period — intervening in ways that even the hardest infidels had to admit was the finger of God. We don’t see that, nor should we expect to when, instead, He has given us all His grace and saving Gospel of Christ.

    “The kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of the Lord.”

    That prophecy WILL be fulfilled, but not yet. You want to tell me Christ is King over the world right now, reigning and ruling as King? That would be blaming Him for all that’s going on, as things get worse and worse by the day.

  18. I have a few of Drew Carey’s DVDs from about 15 years ago that were for use in civics and history classes. They’re pretty good but as often happens, a libertarian is just a social liberal who wants lower taxes. Sooner or later, the social liberal comes out on top.

  19. grool, I don’t know where to begin addressing the many doctrinal errors you’ve presented on this thread. Some of your interpretations of scripture are just incorrect.
    You sound exactly like the world, not a Christian. You shake you tiny fist at God, accusing Him (just like Satan) of inaction unvolvement in the world’s current events. A man or woman of faith would recognize the mercy and grace God shows every second of every day. It is not a mechanical preprogrammed operation.
    Yes, terrible things happen to people, the world and people are sick with sin and Satan involves himself in corrupting both.
    Yet, God thru His mercy answered the problem of sin through Christ.
    You sound like the disciples who wanted Christ to kill the Romans for what they were about to do to Him. God had a better plan that is eternal, which is much more important than natural circumstances; Matthew 26:47-55.
    Oh you, of little faith and trust.
    God is sovereign – Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient – much smarter than us. Please stop assuming such a God is idle.
    Suggest you give Isaiah 45 a good going over and study.


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