RUSH: Cruz Has Hastened UNIFICATION Behind Trump – IOTW Report

RUSH: Cruz Has Hastened UNIFICATION Behind Trump

Rush Limbaugh’s take on the Cruz speech.

Listen to the audio HERE

36 Comments on RUSH: Cruz Has Hastened UNIFICATION Behind Trump

  1. “Letting” (READ: helping) Trump lose, having Hillary lead for 4 years (READ: 8+…), so Cruz is ready in 2020.

    Delusional arrogance bordering on reckless endangerment.

    Ignores damage Hillary will do in 4 (let’s not say 8) years.
    Ignores damage Supreme Court will do courtesy her selections.
    Ignores damage Middle East will do to the US courtesy Hillary policies.

    Cruz, as with the #NTers, don’t place value on those; it’s the only way to rationalize their destructive behavior.

  2. If you want to convimce the undecided to vote for Trump, start telling them all that is good about Trump, not all that is bad about Hillary. We already know how bad Hillary is.

    Also, I remember all the mean and hateful things Trump and his supporters said about Cruz and his supporters.

    I’ll vote for Trump in 2016 because Hillary is worse, but I’ll drive to the polling place with a “Cruz 2020” sticker on my car.

  3. Plot twist:

    This was the Cruz/Trump strategy all along. Trump knew that by taking one for the team, Cruz would unify the Republican party behind him as never before, so he asked Cruz to deliver a non-endorsement speech with his approval. After the election the stratagem would be revealed, Cruz would be rewarded with a high political office, and all would be forgiven by the Party and the Conservative voters.

    (Hey, you gotta admit it’s a helluva great fantasy. No?)


  4. Trump let Ted vent, and let the chips fall where they may. It was good for both of them. I’m disappointed in Cruz, but Trump did put him in a hard place. Let’s see what Cruz has planned for the Senate before we write him off.

    And next week, when Bernie is up there with his hostage-face, grimacing through his endorsement of Hillary, there will be no drama, only fake applause and cheering. The media will pronounce the rift healed, and Bernie supporters will be deemed converts to Clinton, and Abuela will get 10-point bounce.

    In November, we will see whether “From-the-Heart” beats “From-the-Script”, but I do know that America loves a good reality show.

  5. Vietvet, you are not that far off. Trump had the speech for 2 hours before Cruz spoke. He and Manafort OK’d it.
    As a result, they already had a spin set for the “vote your conscience” line and had it distributed in the audience.
    It mattered not that that line was related to ‘up and down the ticket’, NOT trump.
    Trump and Cruz agreed early on that they would not endorse each other, Trump even said he would break the signed agreement and campaign against Cruz if he got the nod.
    Essentially, Cruz ran down the list of things Trump’s website says he is for and asked people to look at those issues when deciding who to vote for.
    He implied that people should vote for Trump, but kept his word about not endorsing.

  6. @geeknerd: You said – “I’ll vote for Trump in 2016 because Hillary is worse, but I’ll drive to the polling place with a “Cruz 2020” sticker on my car.”

    And what good will the Cruz 2020 sticker do in the big picture of things? Cruz will lose again. I hope he learns his lesson between now and then, but I believe his pride is too great for that.

  7. “….but Trump did put him in a hard place.” … wtf?
    how so? Trump gave every one of his primary rivals a chance to speak … even Rick CanBoreEm. Some did, some didn’t. Free choice … get it?
    Trump didn’t put him there … it was Cruz’s choice to get up there & set himself on fire
    Good Lord … how some twist into pretzels to deflect blame

  8. so, you know that Trump ‘Ok’ed the speech’ … or maybe he just let Raphael Theodore go out & commit political seppuku
    … either way, Theodore did it to himself … with no help from Trump

  9. Labe, the loyal opposition has been a longstanding tradition in the Republican party.
    Getting rid of it is a scorched earth tactic that will decimate the party by ending dissent.
    During the last few elections, millions held their noses and voted Republican even though they disagreed with the candidate.
    If only purity is allowed, they are unwanted. As such, why would they trouble themselves to go to the polls and cast a vote? This is the third time that we have a candidate that most Republicans don’t like. Rubbing their noses in it somehow doesn’t seem a winning strategy.

  10. Cruz finished in second place.
    Allowing him to speak was an effort to keep the brokered convention bullshit under wraps.

    Trump knew he wouldn’t be endorsed by Ted and visa versa.

    Trump voided the pledge in March and Ted followed suit.

    What is the big fucking deal?

  11. JS ~ ‘only purity is allowed’ is the GOPe way … you yourself have been railing against Trump for months, saying he’s the unwashed one, the lout, uncouth & unacceptable (I’m paraphrasing) & Raphael is the only ‘pure’ conservative candidate … Trump didn’t get rid of the Cruzer … he invited him & Cruz stepped into it.

    ‘Rubbing their noses in it’??? Trump didn’t rub Theodore’s nose ‘in it’, Teddy did it to himself … I can’t make it any plainer.

  12. Labe, you are confusing me with someone else.
    I like Cruz, but I have never supported him for president. I don’t think he, or Soetoro, meet the constitutional requirements.
    You can do a search of this site. I have never endorsed him. I do think he would be a good president, but I want the constitution upheld.
    As to the rest, if you think there are coincidences, or ‘accidents’, in politics at this level, well I really shouldn’t be the one to tell you that there is no Santa Claus.
    All this was worked out in advance, scripted and approved.

  13. LoBlo ~ all I know is that the only ones that did go back on their word were NoShow Kasick (sp), Jeb! & Raphael Theodore.

    Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Rick CanBoreEm, Huckabee, Rick Perry, Chrispie Cream all spoke & supported Trump … Cruz was the only one that spoke & did not support Trump … he actually doubled-down on it today
    … twist it any way you want … still doesn’t change the facts
    (forgot Rand Paul, Fiorino, Gilmore, Pataki, Jindal & Gramnesty)

  14. JS ~ why do you always change the subject? I never said you were a Cruz ‘endorser’ … but you sure have been posting a lot, trying to defend him these past 2 days.

  15. Labe, why are you changing the subject?
    if you want to get technical, I also have never said that Cruz was the only conservative candidate, pure or otherwise. Do a site search, you won’t find it.
    If you can’t defend your position, then don’t try. Making up things to hit me with is not a serious alternative.

  16. Fat Krusty, D-NJ makes me vomit in my mouth every time I see his ignorant epicene ass.

    He did the scrotum roll with Obama and threw Romney way under his over-sized bus.

    He has NO room to bash Cruz but he put down the drumstick long enough to do so.

    With “conservatives” like these…

  17. @Geeknerd:

    Once again, we are voting against the opposition. Vote W because Gore sucks worse. Vote W because Kerry sucks worse. Vote McCain because Obama sucks worse. Vote Romney because Obama sucks worse. Now it is time to Vote Trump because Hiliary sucks worse.

  18. @JS ~ Well, bless your heart. I thought you would understand when I mentioned that I was paraphrasing …. you can look it up & learn something, if you like.
    … & no, I am not going back & read your every post. I don’t have the time, the inclination, or the care.
    You have been castigating Trump & defending Cruz for months here. You’re doing it now. Everyone knows it. You’re among Cruz’s biggest defenders on this site … why deny it now?
    don’t bother answering … I’m off to watch the UNIFIED convention

  19. @menderman ~ ‘….time to vote Trump because Hillary sucks worse.’
    ok, I get it, I’m on board ….I’m with you! …. Hillary sucks much better than Trump!
    smfh alert … everyone ALWAYS votes ‘against the opposition’ … get it?

  20. @JS ~ lemme see…….
    “Cruz cares about this country. Those who hate everything but Trump don’t.”
    … since you don’t like Trump you must be talking about yourself & the first sentence of that statement definitely puts you in the Cruz camp
    … & I only had to go back to yesterday … excuse me, it’s after midnight … 2 days ago


    Unless you enjoy sharpening your research skills, any effort to “disprove” *any* point of JohnSh!tForBrains is a waste of time.

    If he’s not a homo malware bot, a favorite part of his modus operandi seems to be either making one claim then stating the opposite later and/or denying it, or merely reversing (see: DARVO) the reality of a situation.

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