Rush Limbaugh gives sobering update on his cancer battle: ‘Just waking up is a blessing’ – IOTW Report

Rush Limbaugh gives sobering update on his cancer battle: ‘Just waking up is a blessing’

Lifezette: Conservative talk radio legend Rush Limbaugh says that he is relying on prayer during his battle with lung cancer.

Limbaugh, 69, announced that he had advanced lung cancer earlier this year. He now says his latest round of treatment has left him “virtually worthless.”

Limbaugh said that these days, “just waking up” is a blessing.

“There have been many cycles, but this is the third wave, and this current wave, I have to tell you, is kicking my ass,” Limbaugh said Tuesday on his national radio program. more here

27 Comments on Rush Limbaugh gives sobering update on his cancer battle: ‘Just waking up is a blessing’

  1. third wave treatment for lung cancer is a real asskicker, from what I’ve been told & witnessed … few get better afterwards

    Prayers for Rush … hang tough Buddy … we’re pulling for ya

  2. Please take care, I will be praying that God will give you the strength and courage to keep up the good fight. We need and love you Rush. 🕊️❤️🙏

  3. There has been quite a bit of cancer in our family. Sometimes cancer kills in a matter of months — sometimes it’s dormant for decades, sometimes the cancer is killed outright.

    I remember Alan said (he had a throat cancer), “If it comes back,I’m done. The treatment was horrible — I’ll never do that again.”

    And then Alan said, “I may have ten good years left.”

    Then Rich was killed in a car accident. Two years later Otts was running rabbits and teetered at the top of the hill, “I’m exhausted…” and died right there.

    ALL of us need to embrace the blessing of a new day.

  4. I haven’t listened to Rush in years, does he ever speak about his spiritual health? His place in talk radio and conservatism is edged in stone, now he needs to be concerned about where he spends eternity.

  5. The liberals are already celebrating his poor health. I have heard him talk about his faith in God and his belief in prayers but alas, I’ve seen too many in my own life, with the same beliefs, who left way too soon. I will pray Rush is one of the good statistics and his health improves. We need his voice for many more years.

  6. I went into work, fucking 6am and I’m on the floor, and I passed Andrea’s office. I see in an instant she was in tears. Pete is standing there with his hands palms up.

    Andrea said, “Mac, there’s Mac.”

    Pete turned and said, “Come with me.”

    We went up to his office. Pete said, “Rich was killed in a car wreck this morning.”

    That was five fucking years ago. Like being punched in the gut.

    “Rich? Richard? He had a heart attack. He’s ok?”

    Pete said, “No, he was killed in a car accident.”

    A horrific day I relive time and time again.

    People say it gets easier. It doesn’t.

  7. He will leave a gaping void when he is gone. His voice emanating from the radio every week day always reassured me.
    No one will ever replace him. Trump is close.

  8. My Dad took all the treatments and held out for 8 horrible months. My brother refused all treatments and we played as much golf as he could in his last 10 months. When God decides your job is done, you’re going home.

  9. Being an old Catholic school girl, I remember a great nun that I had as a teacher who told us that it is a great blessing from God to be diagnosed with a terminal illness because we have a chance to make ammends with Him.
    At first I thought how awful that sounded, but with age comes wisdom. Suffering is part of the human condition but our suffering is never in vain if we take up our cross and continue to live each day as if it is our last.

  10. Facing what has to be the choice of subjecting yourself to a horrible sequence of torturous treatments on only the thinnest of hopes of being spared the certainty of death is a torment that transcends the physical aspects he must endure.
    I hope he can retain his spirit to live as both the disease and treatment weaken him.
    We’re all pulling for you Rush.

  11. And yet Obama lives. Talk about the Lord moving in mysterious ways. Guess we’ll just have to wait to see where this is going. Praying for Rush and for our Republic.

  12. Rush is our co-worker and travel buddy. One of the small joys of having your own business is that you get to choose the soundtrack and he has been ours most every afternoon for 30 years, in the workshop and en route to sales meetings and deliveries. I do hope he will be given a chance to enjoy a well earned retirement.

    I just can’t imagine this crazy world without him.

  13. When the hanging chad garbage was going on and the psychopath Gore needed sex help from the motel maid to relieve his chakra, sorry you are going to die from cancer but I am already dating and would leave nothing to children he had with Tipper except she sued him for justice bitch ,global warming for money and power bastard….oh yes, I was in my house on the North Carolina shore two miles from my next neighbor and it was Rush who calmed me, who stayed focused on this attempt to change our votes, who never wavered and who I came to respect, admire and love because he was there, with his intellect and humor and civilized behavior..God Bless him..

  14. I hate cancer, my wife died from leukemia and 2 of my friends who were both married for over 40 years have recently lost their wives to cancer as well. I wish Rush well, I’ve been listening to him since Labor Day 1988 shortly after he went national.

  15. ‘Just waking up is a blessing’

    None of us is guarenteed tomorrow.

    None of us is guarenteed the next 5 minutes.

    You don’t need cancer to die. Your house may be on fire when you go to sleep tonight. There may be a semi out there with your name on it. You may catch a ricochet at the range.

    Or you may have an aneurysm silently about to burst.

    I’ve seen cancer patients die shitting on a portable toilet they’re strapped to because their elderly wife can’t get them to the regular one any more. I’ve seen babies with the life literally squeezed out of them because “it was just a short ride so I thought I’d hold her in my lap”. I’ve seen people die foaming and snapping with their teeth at their doctor because the pain made them fully insane before they died. I’ve seen teenagers jump off a pill bottle to get attention only to find out they jumped fully into the grave because they didn’t get attention soon enough. I’ve seen men turn yellow and shrivel as they wasted away their last hours with a destroyed liver, unable to even respond to their environment. I’ve seen childred who lived long enough to regret chasing that ball into the street. I’ve seen men torn to pieces and scattered from shoulder to shoulder on an interstate. I’ve know spouses who woke up next to a corpse where their husband used to be because the bleeding didn’t stop after a liver biopsy. There was a lonely woman who died peacefully of heart failure in her bathtub with a space heater pointed at it, and it was a long time before the smell was reported so she slow-cooked to the point where her skin and muscles pulled off her bones like socks off your feet when an extraction attempt was made by lifting at ankles and wrists. Seen a still technically alive car passenger declared dead by a flight surgeon in the vehicle because he considered the prognosis to be poor when the man’s head had gone forcefully down on the un-knobbed shift lever, driving it into his eye socket clear to the back of the inside of his skull. Seen a lady who didn’t bleed after a car accident despite submarining driving both of her femurs out through her ass, only to find out there was little bleeding because the pre-airbag steering wheel shaped bruising and broken rib pattern on her chest told us she hit with such force chest-first that it stopped her heart and she was dead before the car stopped moving. Seen SIDS babies found long dead first thing in the morning that were stffer than lawn ornaments but protocol STILL required useless resuscitation efforts be made on the tiny corpse all the way to the hospital, just so the MOTHER didn’t go insane. A guy in a burning house who fled to his bathroom and turned the tub water on and jumped in when he couldn’t escape, found half-soaked and half-charred with the agony of his death still written on what was left of his face.

    Slash wounds and GSWs, accidentally and on purpose…I’ve seen all this, and MORE.

    But one thing I RARELY saw was that ANY of these people were EXPECTING to die.

    Only the cancer and the liver patients saw it coming and made spiritual and physical preparations. The girl who destroyed her own liver with the suicide had time to, but teenagers probably suck at planning their own funerals, so probably not, I don’t know.

    The point is, you NEVER know when God is going to point at YOU and tell YOU to hang up your jockstrap and head for the celestial showers, so you’d better be prayed up, paid up, saved and firmly centred in the Lord’s will NOW, because you NEVER know. Scripture tells us…

    “18 And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods.

    19 And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry.

    20 But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?”
    Luke 12:18-20

    If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans. HEknows what YOU don’t, INCLUDING the hour of your death…

    …in a way, Rush is blessed because he can clearly see it coming, and prepare to put his earthly trophies down and be with the Lord.

    Many do NOT see it coming, and so are NOT prepared.

    Are YOU?

    Don’t tell ME, tell the Lord.

    Use this as a teachable moment. No one lives forever on Earth. Good or bad, saint or sinner, all will die.

    Be ready for yoyr IWN sake.

    God Bless,


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