Rush Limbaugh: Hundreds dead today ‘due to Biden’s mishandling of virus’ – IOTW Report

Rush Limbaugh: Hundreds dead today ‘due to Biden’s mishandling of virus’

‘Isn’t that the way we report this stuff?’

Talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh’s website on Thursday featured the headline “Hundreds dead so far from COVID-19 today due to President Biden’s mishandling of the virus.”

“Isn’t that the way we report this stuff?” he told his national audience. “I mean, that’s how they reported it with President Trump. Except they were a little bit more critical than I was. I mean, they had thousands of people dying every day because of Trump. I reduce my number to 100. Over 100 people have died so far from COVID-19 due to President Biden’s mishandling of the virus.”

Limbaugh said the “Drive-By Media” will report that Biden inherited a “horrible coronavirus response” from Trump.

19 Comments on Rush Limbaugh: Hundreds dead today ‘due to Biden’s mishandling of virus’

  1. Joey has a book, a thick one, with nearly 200 pages he never read detailing how to handle the coof. There’s nothing in it that’s different than Trump’s plan, but because Joey put an executive action behind it we’re supposed to believe, no actually we’re TOLD, the whole plan is all his and Trump did nothing. Because Trump did nothing current deaths fall off Joey like water off a duck and all bad coof things, we’re once again TOLD, are Trump’s fault. Also, vaccine distribution and development was zero under Trump too, it didn’t start until yesterday.

  2. He didn’t just let them die.

    He personally murdered them.

    I don’t make the rules.

    If Trump is responsible for 3,000,000 people being out of work because of California and New York’s lockdowns…just saying.

  3. In true Fairness;

    It was the Demo mayors, Pelosi, Nadless, Joey and others telling the public to Take the Subway, masks not needed, Closeing boarders does not help & is racist.

    It was Nancy ripping up the SOTU speech where publicly Trump said, “we are keeping an eye on this thing”

    It was Demo’s sending a $600 life line rather than $2000 bucks just to create more misery.

    It was Demos who believe burning buildings & filthy bastards shitting on the streets of CHAZ were not “Super Spreader Events”

    So YEAH! It was Joe & his party BEFORE, DURING, & CURRENTLY

  4. How Many Thousands of Homeless Citizens in LA, SF, Portland, Seattle and throughout these United States are left unaided by the heartless Joe and dokter Jill? Shameful!

  5. What vaccine efforts?

    Per all of the enemedia, circa August to November 2020, there is no vaccine and won’t be one until June 2021. And it could be months or years before it can be distributed.

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