Rush Limbaugh: MAGA will not go away – IOTW Report

Rush Limbaugh: MAGA will not go away

WND: Talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh says he doubts President Trump will leave office before the Jan. 20 inauguration of Joe Biden.

Not by resignation, impeachment or the 25th Amendment.

But he says what is scaring Democrats is that the more than 74 million voters who supported Trump in November are “not going anywhere.”

“Even if Trump does, you’re not,” he told his listeners Friday.

“They remain scared to death of you, and they remain scared to death of Trump. Trump’s 75 million, 80 million votes. And I’m gonna tell you, you’re not going anywhere,” he said.

“You know what you believe. You know what your vision for the country is. You’re not gonna give up on it. You’re not gonna go packing away. I mean, some of you may not vote the next chance you get, although I would caution against saying that.”

He said Democrats can’t “separate you from MAGA, they can’t separate you from Make America Great Again, which I think remains one of our big campaign strengths going forward.” more

23 Comments on Rush Limbaugh: MAGA will not go away

  1. Trump needs to abandon the Republican Party right now!

    If the left truly is afraid of ‘us’, think how it will shake them to see millions of us dry up the contributions, as they hear the sucking noise when we follow Trump to the Tea Party or one of his own naming!

  2. It seems like every major corporation and institute is joining the feeding frenzy.
    That amounts to a whole lot of boycotting!
    I certainly don’t want to enrich them with any of my business but there’s a limit .

    Walmart was one that spoke out, maybe I’ll visit one of their wholesale food outlets and tuck a few dead rats among the groceries or see how much mayhem I can create with several tubes of crazy glue!
    This could be fun!!!!

  3. Am I the only one that is exhausted? Of course Trump needs to lose the R party and any party that exists. I heard Patriot Party was going to start. Listen, they all become corrupt eventually but let’s pray for hope!

    God Bless us all!

  4. The Left doesn’t know the meaning of the term “woke”! They think ol’ sleepy joe is woke. Wait ’til they get a load of righteous patriot woke! They won’t know what hit them because they’re not looking for it.

  5. He must take what he won and use it. He was elected President and he can’t go back without being destroyed by his enemies who know no rules or laws they must follow.

  6. The more the Commie Dem’s, Social Media, and The Fake News keep pushing our button’s with boycotts and the silencing of Orange Man Bad the more pissed 🤬 we become.

    Won’t be winning anyone with that strategy, as s matter of fact it maybe turning more people to President Donald Trump.

    We love and support you President Trump and always will. Never have shed tears for a President when he leaves office, but when he and Melania get on that final helicopter ride out of there, I can honestly say I will be shedding some tears. God Bless America and God Bless the greatest President in our lifetime. 🇺🇸🇺🇸 MAGA FOREVER 🇺🇸🇺🇸

  7. One of Rush’s callers hit the nail on the head.
    She said we aren’t Donald Trump. Donald Trump is us.
    That’s why he was elected (both times). He says what we’ve been saying for many years.
    The swamp doesn’t like it.
    It hurts their pocketbooks and power.

  8. “He said Democrats can’t “separate you from MAGA, they can’t separate you from Make America Great Again, which I think remains one of our big campaign strengths going forward.”

    It will only remain strong if Trump is still around rallying his supporters. Trump must remain relevant. I truly hope Trump has some good body guards if he plans to stay relevant. I hope he starts a new conservative political party. I’m changing my voter registration today, I’ll go back to being an independent.

  9. @gin blossom: You don’t need crazy glue to mess with WalMart. Grab a shopping cart, fill it to the brim with as much crap as you can. Wheel the cart into some obscure aisle and leave it there and walk out. Do this a few times or when you feel like you got even with the bastards. BTW, I have done this before. When I got to the front of the store to check out, they didn’t have any bags for the customers. WTF! So, I told them I didn’t need the stuff. I left it all on the counter and walked out. If they aren’t prepared, neither am I. They need to prepare for me. That’s how I roll.

  10. @Goldenfoxx
    You didn’t like the rat idea either? I’m crestfallen! Haha

    I’m super pissed about Delta airlines stranding them two women simply for being Trump supporters. I wish I knew how to dish up some grief for them too.

  11. Golden foxx, great idea! Make sure you load it up with expensive, perishable items. Meat and seafood. Expensive, Nancy Pelosi type ice cream…

  12. I buy from Amazon item by item and wait a hour or so between orders. Nothing expensive, just useful everyday items. They have to package every item individually. I get a stack of packages left on my doorstep, and it costs them exponentially more for each item.

  13. I’ve been thinking a lot recently that what we really need is our own rules for radicals. Or rules for deplorables if you will.

    One idea would be to utilize the good old rumor mill. You known, the old gossip game. On internet steroids. Pick somebody like, I don’t know, Pelosi. Figure out something that her base would hate. Not us but her base. That’s important.

    And then start telling EVERYONE about it.

    Locally. Online. In comments. Wherever.

    Nothing concrete. Just I heard it on the grapevine stuff. Oh did you hear about Pelosi and blah blah blah.

    You know a steady drip can move a mountain. And the more rumors are denied… the more people believe them.

    A part of me thinks this wouldn’t be right to do. Another part of me, the truly pissed out part, doesn’t care.

    So what are their weaknesses? THEIR vulnerabilities?


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