Rush Limbaugh Praises Pence For Keeping His Cool In Debate – ‘I Don’t Know How You Did It’ – IOTW Report

Rush Limbaugh Praises Pence For Keeping His Cool In Debate – ‘I Don’t Know How You Did It’

WesternJournalism: Radio host Rush Limbaugh spoke with Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence on Wednesday to congratulate him on his debate performance Tuesday night. The two discussed the debate as well as GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s vision for America.

Limbaugh commented on the chaotic nature of the debate and how the Indiana governor remained poised despite constant interruptions from Democrat Hillary Clinton’s running mate, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine.

“Governor, I have to commend you,” he said. “I don’t know how you did it. I don’t know how you kept your composure last night. … I thought the whole thing was beneath the dignity of the American people, and you handled it magnificently. … How did you do it? You had to just be — I don’t know — burning, frustrated at certain points wanting to just pop out of that, but you didn’t.”


17 Comments on Rush Limbaugh Praises Pence For Keeping His Cool In Debate – ‘I Don’t Know How You Did It’

  1. I don’t normally watch the debates. . . not hiring a debater. But had no choice on this one as I was in someone else’s home.

    Yes, Pence stayed cool, yes the other fool looked and acted like a fool.

    But Pence decreased my fervor for Trump considerably with his Neocon saber rattling.

    The idea that today, after a decade of botched “nation building” that we would step in to keep muslimes from killing each other, even risking confrontation with other nuclear powers to do it is asinine.

    Herding Syrians into “safe spaces” is pure, unadulterated BS. We have NO responsibility to “protect helpless civilians” except our own. We have ZERO national interests or business interfering with Assad and the Russians in Syria, in fact, we should be supporting them as allies against jihad.\

    In my opinion Pence is a mistake, a big mistake, he is to Trump what Bush was to Reagan, a neocon snake in the tent.

    The Neocons are just another variety of progressive, social justice warriors who, to paraphrase Clausewitz use “other means”.

  2. I caught some of Rush’s comments which is unusual for me as I hardly ever listen anymore to him. I agree with his point that HTF did Pence remain so calm in that debate. Certainly has a cooler head then me as I would’ve bitch slapped that fucker for the constant interruptions.

    As for tending “syrins” in safe spaces-it gives Trump room to cut off all moslim immigration so I say on that basis alone, give it a shot(it’ll never work anyway)

    I wholeheartedly agree that we should just get out of the way of moslims killing each other. If the Russians want to protect Assad and their interests there, that’s fine with me. Confronting Putin over this is madness and while I didn’t hear Pence or the context JustAl was referring to, if true, it’s as bad as Hillary. She seems to be picking a fight with Putin.

    Trump OTOH has repeatedly said he thinks it would be a great thing to be able to work with Russia and he’s who is gonna sit in the Oval Office not Pence

  3. “…various new stories essentially saying that you did so well — that you so overshadowed Trump — that even though you won, he lost!”

    JustAl, this is why Ann Coulter warned Trump against picking Pence or another “establishment” type of VP. Now we have the sweaty thumbs of the nation already dismissing Trump as a lost cause, yet Trump is the one who raised Pence’s profile for them. Now they care only that Pence doesn’t damage his chance to run in 2020 by becoming closely identified with the failure that they call Trump. The #NeverTrumpers are cynically exploiting Pence, just like Coulter said they would, and if Trump wins, they will continue to use Pence to shit on Trump.

  4. @Thirdtwin – this is exactly what the uniparty did with Reagan – saddled him with Bush who undermined him as VP and quickly undid Reagan’s accomplishments after.

    Here’s an example. You’ll recall this is when Reagan decisively ended the cold war, forced the USSR to dissolve and brought down the Berlin Wall: “Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev tells us that in 1987 then vice president George H. W. Bush distanced himself from his own administration by telling him, ‘Reagan is a conservative, an extreme conservative. All the dummies and blockheads are with him…’

  5. @Just Al — You may like to revisit some of Trump’s speeches. In them he says very clearly that he will get the ME countries to pay for and provide the manpower to create those safe spaces for Syrians — or others there. He also said that the US would only act as an advisor to those plans. I can’t point you to any particular speech because I don’t remember which ones. Try looking at those he made around the time of his foreign policy announcement.

  6. @Just Al, I forgot to add that Trump’s view of the ME ‘refugee’ crisis is primarily the ME state’s problem. He is dead set against nation building of the kind practiced by the Clintons, Bushes and Obama regimes. It’s a central tenet of his foreign policy plank.

  7. @Abigail,

    With Pence at his elbow those speeches of Trump’s become suspect. Don’t you think having the wrong VP at his side helped persuade Reagan to issue his amnesty? Picking the wrong VP is a mistake that just keeps giving. And if Pence then runs successfully for POTUS we’re right back where we are today with the uniparty.

  8. @Just Al — I guess the only thing I can say to that is Trump isn’t Reagan and Pence isn’t Bush. I know that sounds simplistic and maybe even a little flip, though I don’t mean it that way. I think it would be too easy to latch onto the idea that it’s “here we go again” time while making the comparison, but I’d be very surprised that would happen. Very. First off, I don’t agree that Pence “at his elbow” calls into question Trump’s speeches. I hate to put it this way, but I think that is putting words into Pence’s mouth over Syrian safe zones. He didn’t say anything more than that they would be created. He didn’t detract from Trump’s vision.

    I know it’s not a popular thing to do, but I’ve decided to dig deep, relinquish my cynicism, and make every attempt to go into the future with the belief that Trump means what he says and says what he means. I have no reason to believe otherwise. Sure, there will be all kinds of pressure — from all sources, probably including Pence — but I honestly think Trump will deliver on what he says he will deliver. Also, Mike Pence surely must know that without Trump he was just a governor from Indiana. In fact, I honestly thought he sounded more like a governor from Indiana the other night than a would-be Vice President. He’s not the leader Trump is and I think that will be plain come January.

  9. Pence did well under duress. Kaine’s nonstop interruption strategy backfired on him.
    Refreshing and encouraging that the American public saw through Kaine and instinctively dislike him.

    This race is now all about the Undecideds.
    Which means the Low Info voters, and folks so indecisive and/or cognitively impaired that they really should not be extended the privilege of voting until they either grow up, or get their psych meds adjusted.

    The hardcore Lefties seem to love Kaine, because they are religiously committed.
    My mainstream ‘moderate’ liberal friends say they found him a little overenthusiastic, but that he made ‘some good points’, and they still plan to vote Hilary because Democrat and First Woman and Experience.

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