RUSH: The Democrat Party Is A Shrinking and Dwindling HATE GROUP – IOTW Report

RUSH: The Democrat Party Is A Shrinking and Dwindling HATE GROUP

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RUSH: The Democrat Party is a shrinking and dwindling hate group. That’s literally what they’ve become. You know, I remember the reason why I say that and why I think that this is an important point. Early in my career, when I was still learning about all this, when I was wet behind the ears and naive… Up until the time I started this radio show, nobody that knew me ever thought I was a hatemonger or a racist or homophobic or sexist or bigoted or any of that. Nobody. There wasn’t anybody.

Six months after being on the radio with this program, I’d become all of that. And I remember… I don’t want to mention names here because these people are still alive. But I remember a prominent conservative media figure, talking to him about prominent liberal media figures that he knew, that he liked. And I questioned him. “How can you trust these people? I mean, these are…” “No, no! They’re good guys. They’re good guys. In fact, one of them likes you, says you’re not a hater.” And I was supposed to be thrilled to hear this!

20 Comments on RUSH: The Democrat Party Is A Shrinking and Dwindling HATE GROUP

  1. Here’s how this identity bullying ends up.

    I wasn’t a racist until I was repeatedly accused of racism and so now I kind of am. I don’t dislike blacks, but there are some who are causing me a great deal of mistrust and trepidation. Especially those who wish harm to me because I am white.

    I guess that’s what they’re goal is. I never felt that way before. Can we label it the Obama transformation?


    I could recite the same for illegals, homosexuals etc. militants from all fringe groups have hardened my heart toward them.

    I used to look the other way.

    Now I’m ready for a street fight, since that’s what they’re calling for.

  2. don’t really listen much anymore … it’s a bore to listen to a person that sees everything in the news as somehow relevant to himself

    Trump is dumped on …. ‘they’re obviously attacking me! they can’t get me out of their heads’ … get’s boring after the ten-thousandth time

  3. And President Trump on twitter. He just slammed Nordtrom (?) for banning his daughter Ivanka’s products from their shelves. The left are livid. He can’t do that, he’s the President, he can’t act like a protective father.
    No? well some years ago President Harry Truman threatened to kick the shit out of some music critic who slammed his daughter’s piano playing. Then he bombed Hiroshima. Watch it snowflakes.

  4. PHenry, respectfully, I understand your frustration.

    Remember the solid character of those on our side. Tim Scott, Allen West, Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell, Sheriff Joe Clarke, and on and on…

    Don’t let these bastards on the grind you down. They are doing the Devil’s work. Don’t let them win.

  5. “BobFrapples.
    Don’t misunderstand me. There isn’t a centimeter standing between me and Col. West, sheriff Clarke, Larry elder, Thomas sowell, David Webb, Ben
    Carson, etc.

    My point was against those who use identity politics to divide us. None of those listed do.

  6. @PHenry: You captured my feelings exactly. I made a similar statement (not as eloquently) some weeks ago, and was excoriated by some. Tired of the identity politics. No more fucks given to these groups.

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