Russia Accuses U.S. Of Hacking Its Election – IOTW Report

Russia Accuses U.S. Of Hacking Its Election

Russia has hit back at the State Department’s condemnation of its parliamentary elections by accusing the U.S. of being behind cyber attacks in the lead-up to the ballot. more

6 Comments on Russia Accuses U.S. Of Hacking Its Election

  1. Whatever.

    No power in the world can do the damage to the US that Clinton, Obama and Biden have done. Our way of life is no more.

    If you don’t get killed, raped or robbed by a BLM thug, you’ll get killed, raped or robbed by an Afghan or Hatian thug.

    Our way of life is no more.

  2. “If you don’t get killed, raped or robbed by a BLM thug, you’ll get killed, raped or robbed by an Afghan or Hatian thug.”

    “If you don’t get killed, raped, or robbed by a BLM thug, you’ll get killed, raped, or robbed by an Afghan or Haitian thug or by the FBI, the IRS, the Local Constabulary, the Media, Academia, or the Teachers’ Union.”

    Fixed it for ya.

    izlamo delenda est …


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