Russia also selling oil to North Korea on the sly – IOTW Report

Russia also selling oil to North Korea on the sly

Show of hands. Who is shocked by this?

American Thinker: Reuters is reporting Western European security sources saying Russian vessels are selling oil products to North Korea via ship-to-ship transfers.  The news comes after senior U.S. intelligence officials confirmed that Chinese ships are also selling oil in international waters to the Kim regime.

Both China and Russia are permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and voted to sanction North Korea by shutting off its access to oil.

The sales of oil or oil products from Russia, the world’s second biggest oil exporter and a veto-wielding member of the United Nations Security Council, breach U.N. sanctions, the security sources said.

The transfers in October and November indicate that smuggling from Russia to North Korea has evolved to loading cargoes at sea since Reuters reported in September that North Korean ships were sailing directly from Russia to their homeland.

“Russian vessels have made ship-to-ship transfers of petrochemicals to North Korean vessels on several occasions this year in breach of sanctions,” the first security source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told Reuters.  read more

7 Comments on Russia also selling oil to North Korea on the sly

  1. Payback for U.S. support of the Mujahideen during the Russian war in Afghanistan. You remember, right – back when Bin Laden was our buddy?

    Nothing new about this sort of thing, though. It’s called watering the thorn in your opponent’s side.

  2. Never let principles stand in the way of making a buck …
    (Lenin … or Lennon … or maybe Stalin … or Putin? Ryan, McConnell, Pelosi, Reid, Jackson, Jackson-Lee, Waters, Holder, Lynch, Clinton, Harp, Sharpton, Obola, Ayers, Axelrod, Emanuel, and a host of others, for sure)

    izlamo delenda est …

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