Russia And China Take Aim At The World’s Undersea Cable Network – IOTW Report

Russia And China Take Aim At The World’s Undersea Cable Network


We live in a world created in 1945. The United States is the world’s dominant political, economic, and military power. We treat those facts as if they are somehow immutable. They are not. We are standing on the brink of losing it all.

The Biden administration continues to blunder forward with its reckless policy of escalation in Ukraine treating the entire enterprise as if it were a video game of some sort. There are in the minds of these men and women no consequences for their actions. Only the other side takes losses. Only the other side feels pain. more

6 Comments on Russia And China Take Aim At The World’s Undersea Cable Network

  1. biden and the leftist chumps who hide behind his ditry diapers are doing to the world what they did to America.

    They weaponized BLM to trash the popo but whose communities suffered the most for their efforts?? (if blacks haven’t realized oBozo was the worst Preezy for them, can you pity them?!)

    Similarly, rather then defend the USD as the world’s reserve currency, Shitpants has pushed the BRICS( and with them 80% of the world’s population) away from the free markets as we’ve known them. Print as many USD as you want, you’re only wasting paper and ink.

    And Sanction away, you satanic numbskull !!!!

  2. China’s just sitting back and watching while we send all are ammunition stockpiles over to the spray and pray Ukrainians.

    They’ll know when the times right. Ammo up. We’ll be on our own.

  3. A few decades ago, we tapped into the Russians undersea military communications cable. It worked for a while until Aldrich Ammes or one of those other traitors sold us out.

  4. How painfully obvious in hindsight. Failed leadership is failed leadership wherever it’s found, right pothole Pete? Think of the pain of the net going black for a month? Week? Thanks, people running Joe Biden, you really suck at this… or not…

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