Russia Announces They Have Evidence US and UK Were Behind Nord Stream Pipeline Bombings – IOTW Report

Russia Announces They Have Evidence US and UK Were Behind Nord Stream Pipeline Bombings

Gateway Pundit

In February 2023, the UN Security Council debated Russia’s request for a UN-led inquiry into the September 2022 explosions along the Nord Stream pipelines. The USA was “not interested” in an independent investigation of the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline, Russia charged at the UN Security Council. “The problem is that the Americans are simply lying”, said Russian Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.

After the first round of discussions at the UN Security Council, Russian UN Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya said he has “the impression Western experts are not interested in an unbiased international investigation. This, of course, only aggravates our suspicions.” The United States has veto power in the Security Council and will presumably shoot down Russia’s resolution asking for an independent Nord Stream investigation. more here

7 Comments on Russia Announces They Have Evidence US and UK Were Behind Nord Stream Pipeline Bombings

  1. ‘“The problem is that the Americans are simply lying”, said Russian Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.’

    …Well, yeah, Democrats in general and Pedo Joe in particular, so…

  2. As treacherous and evil are our elected politicians it doesn’t in the least bit question that the US was behind the bombing. The only way Ukraine would have the ability to do this is if they put a dive suit on Zelenskyy and had him bang his dick against the pipe.

  3. No one could EVER have guessed the US and Blighty might have had something to do with the pipeline terrorism. Ukies did it! The Rooskies did it! No, some guys on a sail boat did it! Huh uhhh, it was the Germanians!

    Cui bono. Of course, using power as a stand in for money allows the same kind of evaluation regarding the circumstance.


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