Russia Claims John Kerry Secretly Approved of Crimea Invasion – IOTW Report

Russia Claims John Kerry Secretly Approved of Crimea Invasion

Breitbart: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with Russian media on Thursday that former Secretary of State John Kerry approved of Russia’s 2014 annexation of the Crimean peninsula, believing the residents were overwhelmingly in favor of “reuniting” with Russia.

According to Lavrov, Kerry’s main criticism of Russia’s actions was to suggest holding another referendum to reinforce the legitimacy of annexation.

Russia’s summarized Lavrov’s comments to the RBK news service:

I won’t reveal a big secret if I say that John Kerry was telling me in April 2014: ‘Everything is clear. Everything happened the way the Crimean people wanted. But, for form’s sake, hold another one [referendum],” Lavrov stated.

Moscow dismissed the idea as unnecessary.

“If you already understand everything, why make people vote again?” Lavrov said, explaining the Kremlin’s reasoning.

Lavrov, who is one of the longest-serving senior Russian officials, in office since 2004, said he hopes his revelations won’t spoil his relationship with Kerry.

“I hope John will not take offense at me,” Lavrov said, adding that Kerry, in his own memoir, also spilled some of their tête-à-tête conversations. Lavrov and Kerry were on good terms during the latter’s tenure as secretary of state from 2013 to 2017 – their rapport was credited in sealing the 2013 deal on destroying Syrian chemical weapons. speculated Kerry is “unlikely to admit he ever recognized the Crimean referendum” because the Obama administration considered the referendum “illegal” and an “illegitimate move by the Russians to annex Crimea,” as President Barack Obama put it. The U.S. and European Union imposed punitive sanctions on Russia after the referendum. more here

14 Comments on Russia Claims John Kerry Secretly Approved of Crimea Invasion

  1. He has some family ties with the Iranian foreign minister {I think that’s who} through marriage.
    I guess he thinks that gives him some special right to conduct policy meetings unilaterally.
    I wouldn’t be surprised at all to find he’s been funneling sensitive info to them.

  2. The headline is a media lie. There was NO Crimea invasion by Russia . A Crimea referendum — legal vote of the people– for reunion with Russia was approved of by Kerry, although Obama wanted to demand a revote be done by the people. Any way the US could forcefully gain control of Crimea as was done in the Ukraine.

    “ speculated Kerry is “unlikely to admit he ever recognized the Crimean referendum” because the Obama administration considered the referendum “illegal” and an “illegitimate move by the Russians to annex Crimea,” as President Barack Obama put it.”

  3. I imagine Mike Pompeo has his hands full trying to undo much of the handiwork of that putz Kerry. It’s a safe bet that john boy was nothing more than a candy store of concessions and little else. His thinking was if it took the U.S. down a notch than how bad can it be? Now tho he’s unemployed he’s still at it.

  4. Explaines Lurch blending in at Trump’s speech yesterday. Is he a citizen of Macronville by now? Putin’s inner circle is throwing strategy around to see what sticks in U.S. media ‘hateRussia’ propaganda. Where is Nuland?

  5. @ Gin Blossom – your fired an old synapse:

    Go there before it’s taken down.

    Thank you for mentioning that international SWAMP connection.

    @ anyone with a Twitter handle please send this shit out there.

    This mofo is a traitorous prick. Some gifted researcher ‘anon’ should go back and look at every place Potato Face went to and what policies were pushed.

    The medals he ‘threw’ over the fence, he said were fake anyway. WHAT A DH.

  6. @ Toby Miles – FUNNY, ha ha, I was literally going to h/t you in that post for the digging you do and now…the archiving posts.


  7. @ ghost&Toby Miles
    I laughed when I saw her picture, the resemblance to old horse face is remarkable.
    Going through life looking like him must be a unique burden that strains her temperament. Every waiter in a restaurant, every casual greeting on the street is met with: No I don’t want a fucking carrot!!


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