Russia Considering Sending Edward Snowden Back to U.S. as ‘Gift’ to Trump – IOTW Report

Russia Considering Sending Edward Snowden Back to U.S. as ‘Gift’ to Trump

Breitbart: Russian officials are considering sending the famed whistleblower Edward Snowden back to America as “a gift” to President Donald Trump, according to a report from NBC News.

Snowden, a former CIA employee, was granted asylum by the Russian government in 2013. He sought to escape charges of espionage, having leaked classified information concerning U.S surveillance programs conducted by the National Security Agency (NSA.)

However, a senior U.S official told NBC News that Russian authorities are now considering turning him over to the United States, where he would face trial, in order to “curry favor” with Trump and the new administration.

9 Comments on Russia Considering Sending Edward Snowden Back to U.S. as ‘Gift’ to Trump

  1. I don’t know–If I want to blow the whistle on my boss will I be safe from the government and my boss or will I need to go into hiding? I think most of the people that blow the whistle do it for good reasons-such as safety for the public or over pricing etc.. I will have to wait and see what comes of this……

  2. The gov’t – elected, appointed, and career bureaucrats – have NO business spying on their sovereign; We, the People of the United States.


    There is NO justification for it. “I have to listen in on your telephone communications to protect you from foreign terrorists” is total and complete BULLSHIT and even the spooks doing it know it. Which is why they attempted to keep it a fucking secret.

    IF the republic is to continue (even in its bastard form) these rogues in Congress and the Agencies are going to have to be held to account.

    And this story is being disseminated at the bequest of the spooks, by the way, probably to harm President Trump and the cause of Liberty.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Another circulated smear against Trump by Fake News MSM.

    Weather Snowden is out here Roeck whistle blower or some kind of smarter, more sane Bradley Manning is a tough one.
    From what I know Snowden looks like a good guy whistle blower.
    I’d like Trump to just cut him a pass, like the last scene in Josie Wales.
    But strategically I’d rather Trump not go into that one right now.

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