Russia! Grassley did some digging and turned up John McCain – IOTW Report

Russia! Grassley did some digging and turned up John McCain


John McCain Is Not Happy With His Republican Colleague Over FBI Letter.

[…] It was revealed this week that Manafort was under surveillance because of his alleged contacts with suspected Russian operatives. Emails that Manafort sent last April, just after joining the Trump team, show that he offered to provide a “private briefing” about the campaign to Oleg Deripaska, Russian oligarch close to Vladimir Putin.

In 2006, it has been widely reported, Manafort helped Deripaska set up two meetings with McCain.  MORE


12 Comments on Russia! Grassley did some digging and turned up John McCain

  1. McCain – the Cardinal of the Kremlin!
    And seeing as Clinton sold us out to the Chinese back in the 90s – we’re catching it from both ends!
    (sorta like Obola at the bath-house)

    Throw in regular, run-of-the-mill criminals and corrupt-o-crats like Pelosi, Reid, Ryan, Waters, Jackson-Lee, Schumer, and McConnell and it really is little short of a miracle that America exists, at all!
    (for how long, no one can say)

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “McCain could butt heads wth Grassley on another matter.”

    Butt-head, your ass is Grassley’s. An it’s an “investigation”, not a “matter”. Loretta Lynch is gone now.

  3. McCain could star as the new swamp monster in the remake of the creature from the black lagoon. With special emphasis on goon. I have never seen such a POS in my life, with the possible exception of obozo

  4. oolook, who knows. But he seems pretty determined to go out despised and scandal-plagued. I think it’s Trump that’s killing him, and I bet McCain blames him, too. But you never know. It could be the voodoo priestess of Chappaqua.

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