Russia Hawk? – IOTW Report

Russia Hawk?

President Trump’s critics can cite any number of reasons to hurl abuse at the man.  He is called immature, inconsistent, and fickle with his friends and appointees, and now, most frustratingly, he can’t even play the role of the Russian stooge convincingly anymore.  The allegations against Trump – of collusion with Russia to compromise the integrity of the election, of cronyism and inappropriate relationships with foreign diplomats – are damning to be sure, if they are true.  But the facts of the matter paint a radically different picture of Russo-Trump relations.  Since he entered office, Donald Trump has been the toughest president on Russia since Ronald Reagan and shows little sign of softening his line.

The recent bombing campaign in Syria – the second of such retaliatory measures – was meant to punish the Assad regime for its use of chemical weapons.  However, it also represents the latest in a series of decidedly anti-Russian foreign policy ventures undertaken by the Trump administration (almost all of which are overlooked by the legacy corporate press).

Two months ago, the U.S. military killed between 100 and 300 Russian forces in Syria.  In what could be the most downplayed story in U.S.-Russian history, in early February, scores of Russian “mercenaries” – that is to say, Moscow-controlled soldiers – attacked an American-held oil refinery in Deir Ezzor, Syria.  The Americans responded with overwhelming aerial bombardment and brought nearly an entire Russian company to its demise.  Everyone should listen to the audio clip of Russian military brass recounting this humbling event.  This national humiliation for Russia at the hands of American forces marks the largest confrontation between the two nations since the Korean War.  The evisceration of a battalion of his soldiers could hardly have pleased Vladimir Putin, and these are certainly not the orders of a Russian pawn.  (It is noteworthy that neither Trump nor Putin has publicly discussed this incident.)

4 Comments on Russia Hawk?

  1. The progressive press own the print, paper and airwaves, they will not have the facts interfere with their narrative. The end justifies the means, They are “saving” this Nation for Socialism.

  2. I believe they bombed a secret Iranian nuke facility. Chemical weaponry was the cover story.

    Note the Netanyahu speech that alludes to this possibility.

  3. President Trump will be hated until he dies, just like Ronald Reagan.
    Then when the New Rushmore goes up, they can both be on it.
    But the things he is changing; they are pivotal. This country was about to be handed to the UN by Hilary. The globalist ‘punish America for succeeding’ was soon to be the law of the land


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