Russia is turning off the gas in Poland and Bulgaria – IOTW Report

Russia is turning off the gas in Poland and Bulgaria

Russia to Cut Gas to Poland and Bulgaria

(Bloomberg) — Russia will cut off the gas to Poland and Bulgaria on Wednesday in a major escalation in the standoff between Moscow and Europe over energy supplies and the war in Ukraine.

Moscow appears to be making good on a threat to halt gas supplies to countries that refuse President Vladimir Putin’s new demand to pay for the crucial fuel in rubles. Europe has said that doing so would breach sanctions and strengthen Russia’s hand.

As payment deadlines start falling due, Poland, followed swiftly by Bulgaria, said on Tuesday that Gazprom PJSC had informed them the gas will stop flowing on Wednesday. In the coming weeks, more companies will have to decide whether to pay in rubles — or risk losing supplies. read more

9 Comments on Russia is turning off the gas in Poland and Bulgaria

  1. Russia insists on being paid in rubles. Poland and Bulgaria refuse. No gas for Poland and Bulgaria. Clutch your pearls everyone, it’s going to get REAL come autumn.

    How can biden, Blinken and Psuki spin twist and contort this into more Monumental Lies.

    IOW, how beclowned and stoopid are we going to allow the world to get. Who VOTED for biden and who had asked oBozo to wage war with Russia??
    Whoever it was, congrats your package was delivered.

  2. The pain at the gas pump shows no signs of abating and now, as of Monday, Commander Numbnutz Bumblefuk is imposing further restrictions on Arctic drilling! Our never ending nightmare!!

  3. If only there was a giant Continent that could extract GAS & OIL, refine & compress it, & export it to the Euro-Faggotry all while trading in Dollars & employing Skilled Citizens.

    oh well…


  4. For shits and giggles, I’d like to see the states of TX, OK, WY and others insist on being PAID IN RUBLES by all the other states (particularly the ‘blue’ states) for all fossil fuels.

    oBiden keeps fucking around with federal land leases so it only seems fair.

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