Russia, Poland, Romania, and Hungary Reportedly Have Territorial Ambitions in Ukraine – IOTW Report

Russia, Poland, Romania, and Hungary Reportedly Have Territorial Ambitions in Ukraine

GP: All of a sudden, reports about Ukraine’s neighbors holding territorial ambitions over part of its territory have once again started to pop up in the press, in the wake of the failed Summer offensive, of the recapture of the initiative by Russia, and the interruption of major funding from the US and the EU.

But what is fact, what is just rumor and what is pure propaganda? more

5 Comments on Russia, Poland, Romania, and Hungary Reportedly Have Territorial Ambitions in Ukraine

  1. Ukraine hasn’t actually been a nation since the Holodomor.
    Stalin’s forced migrations of Soviet “minorities” into Ukraine made it a hodge-podge of nationalities, cultures, and people.
    It used to be called “The Ukraine” (a region – not a nation) because it was so often fought over and its people murdered or displaced – EVERYONE wanted a piece of the “Breadbasket of Europe” and were willing to kill every single Ukrainian to get it.
    I read somewhere that less than 25% of Ukrainians are actually Ukrainian.

    Looks like the vultures are circling … again …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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