Russia pushes sex-at-work scheme as population crisis escalates – IOTW Report

Russia pushes sex-at-work scheme as population crisis escalates

h/t Col. Angus

FOX– The Kremlin’s top doctor this week encouraged all Russians to engage in a “sex-at-work” scheme in a move to back President Vladimir Putin’s attempts to counter a growing population crisis.

Despite cash incentives, tax breaks, a nationwide push to discourage abortions and Putin’s years-long attempt to encourage procreation across the country, Russia saw its lowest birth rate in the last quarter-century for the first six months of 2024, reports said following UN findings on worldwide population rates. more

13 Comments on Russia pushes sex-at-work scheme as population crisis escalates

  1. Nothing like a little nookie and an afternoon or mid noon delight at work. Wham, bam, thank you ma’am, it’s back to work I go. How much time will they be allotted for sex? And will there be sex monitors outside the cubicles making sure that they’re actually having sex. Big Brother is watching you to make sure you actually screw.

  2. What a load of click-bait hogwash. Never in the article is a “sex-at-work scheme” presented as government policy. More like a wry, tongue-in-cheek statement to tweak furrowed- brow journos.

    And per our own DIA, “While the Kremlin portrays Russia’s declining birth rates in Russia as ‘disastrous,’ in reality Russia’s demographics is not much different from those of most industrial countries.” But that’s not exciting news, I guess.

    Not to mention that our own government and media have been pushing Russia’s population decline as disastrous for decades. And yet, there Russia is, stronger than ever. So much for Blackrock swooping into Moscow to take possession of a huge, empty country. Blackrock can’t even digest Ukraine., even with all the weapons of the West and killing off the Ukrainian population.

  3. Did they all get the clot shot? It has caused unknown numbers of miscarriages and infertility problems in both sexes.
    Along with abortions being encouraged for women so they can work in “productive jobs”, what can we expect?

  4. At first glance, it might be surprising that the birth rate in the Washington D.C. are isn’t a lot higher given all the screwing going on there. But if you look more closely (ew) it turns out that they’re using the non-procreative hole.

  5. Government is the underlying problem throughout the industrialized world. They tell people things and people believe those things. People act on those beliefs and the results don’t satisfy the government because the frigging government was full of shit in the first place. This crisis, that crisis, this threat, that threat and what? Huh? We weren’t overpopulating the world? Electric cars weren’t a brilliant idea whose time has finally come? Queers of every sort aren’t really better than normies on the whole? Men can be women and women can be men, just by wishing it so… and some chemicals plus some slice and dice.

    Quit listening to loons. Get your back into your living. The ‘elites’ are a bunch of overprivileged perverts of every reprehensible sort. Thrown in among the sickos are a tiny minority of actually elite people, a tiny, tiny minority.

    Take responsibility for and to the greatest degree possible authority over yourself. All those who are telling you what to do and how to do it are just people with an agenda, and you are not dear to their heart in any way. Look to yourself and your close people.


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