Russia Ridicules Biden’s Trans And Non-Binary Appointees – IOTW Report

Russia Ridicules Biden’s Trans And Non-Binary Appointees

Just The News

“Keep going that way, our dear American ex-partners!” urged Russia’s UN ambassador in response to a photo of Levine and Brinton.

Russia is ridiculing transgender Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine and non-binary Deputy Assistant Nuclear Energy Secretary Sam Brinton, after a photo of the queer duo at the French ambassador’s home went viral last week.

Russian Foreign Affairs communications official Maria Zakharova posted a photo on Telegram of Brinton and Levine in heels and skirts at the party with the caption as translated: “Answer the question honestly for yourself: Are these the values that you are ready to instill in your children? Or do we still fight for our own?”

Russia’s United Nations diplomat Dmitry Polyanskiy also reposted a photo of Levine and Brinton with the caption: “Keep going that way, our dear American ex-partners! I don’t think we even need any long-term strategies to counter your malicious role in the world – you are doing the right thing yourselves! And let the whole world see WhoYouAre!” more

25 Comments on Russia Ridicules Biden’s Trans And Non-Binary Appointees

  1. One things sure, if I was elected the next president, even before I took office I’d tell these two and any other nipf norpf’s that work for the government to get their shit and get out before Jan 20th or they’ll be forcefully removed by capitol security. Forcefully.

  2. “Brinton has a controversial personal life, as reported by Just the News in February. In his free time, Brinton is a gender-fluid LGBT+ activist, a drag queen and a “pup” fetishist.”

    …remember when the only time we found out about the sex lives of politicians was when they were breaking scandals that forced them out of office, and not because their kinks and perversions were presented as laudible attributes in campaign commercials instead?

  3. “Keep going that way, our dear American ex-partners! I don’t think we even need any long-term strategies to counter your malicious role in the world”

    They’re not wrong.

  4. Modern Democrats seem to validate the Rosenbergs for making sure the United States was not the *only* country with nuclear capability, even if it wasn’t for this particular reason.

    Imagine if the Russians DIDN’T have the Bomb at this point.

    Do you think Democrats would hesitate?

  5. The Dems are cheering the Russian mockery.
    Their goal is to destroy the country.
    They’re allowing China to buy hundreds of thousands of acres of land near military bases. They allowed China to buy most of the large meat processers in the country.
    They’re allowing an invasion on the southern border and soon the “asylum seekers” will be able to apply onlin and just fly in to any airport they wish.

    They probably put the Russian post on the fridge they’re so proud.

  6. Russia Ridicules Biden’s Trans And Non-Binary Appointees

    I hope every country on this planet ridicules the faggotry going on in this country and in our key leaders. Millions have turned their backs on God. I haven’t heard the Republicans complain one single time about the faggots running this country. Maybe they’re closet fags themselves. I haven’t heard Trump discuss it so he’s fine with it. They’re all fine with it.

  7. The rampant idiocy certainly isn’t just with the sex pretenders. Straight assholes like Mathis, McMasters and Milley to name a few have sold out & made our military “leadership” laughing stocks. If push ever comes to shove with the kind of guidance they would provide, we’re are so fucked.

    Laughing at this travesty is the least of our problems.

  8. No one puts liars, crooks, degenerates, and faggots in charge of a country unless their goal is to completely destroy it. Our billionaire looter class in the US has decided to tear it all down because they hate it when the little people have even a modicum of individual freedom or wealth.

  9. @Goldenfoxx July 18, 2022 at 9:20 am

    > I hope every country on this planet ridicules the faggotry going on in this country and in our key leaders.

    You write “our key leaders” like “they” are not “us”.

    Boom on with that.

  10. fnuck, son of fnord: I’m not keen on anyone whose a faggot or even leans that way, should be in charge of the football. They are mentally ill. Imagine that, crazy has a hold of our safety. WTF!

  11. Once upon a time, if you had a personal life that might make you a target for extortion or other leverage, you weren’t a viable candidate for the position.
    Obviously that ship has sailed & gone around the Horn, as it were.

  12. A huge part of the incompetence within the Biden administration is directly due to the lack of experience and working knowledge that his appointees suffer from. They are mostly focused on WOKE nonsense and have no common sense or practical business experience. Like all liberals they make their decisions based on their emotional feelings and take it from there. Alphabet people are a basket of jack wagon deplorables.

  13. Russians have a mental image of a fit Putin riding a horse.

    Americans know Shitpants for
    1) sexually molesting his children and grandchildren,
    2) enabling his drug-felon son to commit adultery with his sister-in-law,
    3) lying anytime his mouth opens, about everything,
    4) ruining the country that blessed him with a luxurious life, despite his accomplishing nothing, except crimes,
    5) championing infanticide, illegals over citizens, withholding baby formula, mandating experimental, and detrimental, vaccines…

    And he insults you as he’s burying you all alive.

  14. Russia is implementing the strategy of when your enemy self destructs, get out of the way and watch. Who can blame them.
    Too many Americans have adopted a socialist, Godless morality. This allowed tyrannical monsters to invaded goverment, corporate and social institutions attempting to destroy The United States of America. No surprise our enemies are boastful.
    However, Russia’s taunting may be premature. God is not done. There is hope the United States will survive the stupidity of compromising with evil.

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