Russia Taking Steps to ‘Cut Citizens off From the Rest of the World’ – IOTW Report

Russia Taking Steps to ‘Cut Citizens off From the Rest of the World’

Dan Bongino:

In April of this year, Russia passed a controversial “sovereign internet law.” The law would “require online traffic to pass through servers run by government’s internet regulation agency by 2021, allowing the Kremlin to much better observe and control what Russian citizens are doing.” Additionally the law allows the government to “shut down outside access, block websites that they don’t like, and monitor traffic.”

Earlier this week, the Russian government took yet another step forward to control its population. On Monday the government announced it will test its “Internal RuNet network” to see if the country can “function without the global internet” reported Defense One. These policy steps are “intended to allow the Russian government to cut its citizens off from the rest of the world.” read more

9 Comments on Russia Taking Steps to ‘Cut Citizens off From the Rest of the World’

  1. …slackers. Democrats have been doing that for awhile now, they just call their Deep State Internet control apparatus by cutesy names like “Facebook” and “Twitter”, and hope no one notices that they REALLY run them ALL…


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