Russia Threatens to ‘Strike the West’ If Ukraine Uses Rockets Supplied by U.S – IOTW Report

Russia Threatens to ‘Strike the West’ If Ukraine Uses Rockets Supplied by U.S

I say we send in Kamala with a pair of nakalennikyeh to make nice.

Neon Nettle

The Kremlin has issued a veiled threat that if its territory is hit it could strike back directly at the West.

“One of President Putin’s closest allies has warned that Moscow could target western cities if Ukraine uses rocket systems supplied by the United States to carry out strikes on Russian territory,” the UK Times is reporting.

The warning was given by close top Putin ally and former president Dmitry Medvedev, who currently serves as the Russian security council deputy chairman.

“If, God forbid, these weapons are used against Russian territory then our armed forces will have no other choice but to strike decision-making centers,” Medvedev warned in the new statements. more

42 Comments on Russia Threatens to ‘Strike the West’ If Ukraine Uses Rockets Supplied by U.S

  1. “…our armed forces will have no other choice but to strike decision-making centers”

    Like the White House? With President Boomerang in it?

    Let me go to the store first for wine, dessert and popcorn.

  2. Decision making centers?

    That’d be Davos.

    But if you wanna hit DC, just make sure Pedo and pals are there first.

    Won’t make any difference, but you’d sure be doing us a favor…

  3. No need to fear, our military is so prepared we’ve had enough time to knit up some maternity flight suits and have coloring sessions to rainbowize bullets with nail polish. Plus who knows what else, like rainbows painted on flight decks of nuclear carriers, solar powered tanks, and top secret fingering/licking sessions. All in the name of defeating the enemy with love and diversity, the international language of inclusive dominance. To be sure your city isn’t hit by an airstrike, simply chalk up the crosswalks with rainbows, guaranteed protection.

  4. WTF? To much kool-aid? Maybe the US should respond just like those chicken-shit Texas cops & do nothing. Think again, we are not all Republican wussies!

  5. We are not prepared for the retaliation that Putin is capable of. We are jeopardizing our well-being so those that have been using Ukraine as their money laundering center can attempt to continue their illegal affairs, or in a worst case scenario cause the Russians to destroy Ukraine and all the evidence with it.

  6. BillJ, we won’t do nothing. Biden is going to act in a way that guarantees Putin ends up with Billions and Billions of US military hardware. Or at least whatever is left over after the money laundering operation is complete. Biden is Putin’s #1 fan; the gift that keeps on giving to destroy Americans.

  7. There are significant differences between the way people in the US handle things and the way people in the former Soviet states handle things.

    If you’re wondering what I mean by this, compare the impeachments of Donald Trump to the impeachment of Nicolae Ceaușescu. See if you can spot the difference.

    The war that’s coming will not be won by people who cry over pronoun usage and mean tweets.

  8. Nothing has stopped Ukraine from sabotage operations in Russia.
    From what little I’ve read they’ve done well.

    They should step it up to hit pipelines, Ammunition factories, electricity generation plants and their electric grid.

  9. You know the pro-war people have lost the argument when they basically lead with…

    “You’re a Putin lover!”

    Knock it off and go study the history of Ukraine and the West’s involvement with it since 1946. This conflict has been ‘engineered.’ WE DID THIS.

  10. No! We should just roll over & play Dead right idiot No long range missiles are being supplied at this time jeez Grab a clue,we’re not blowing up Trumps best buds yet.

  11. It is unfortunate that we have such vile, despicable, weak, corrupt and most importantly illegitimate leadership in place. This circumstance would not have occurred had the deep state and its minions in political office not been using Ukraine as a massive, comprehensive money laundering operation as well as a place to plant bioweapons laboratories. One can only guess at the lesser crimes they have been perpetrating there.

    Biden, the deep state puppet of choice (necessity) is not to blame in any significant way for this debacle. He is senile, incontinent, has never been competent to any noticeable degree. He’s an enthusiastic participant in the game even though he can’t say what the game is, moment to moment.

    Eastern Ukraine is Russia and western Ukraine is Poland. At this point the US has no national interest in europe east of the Fulda gap, and a reasonable person might say none west of it either.

  12. On a side note, you can now purchase one of the javelin missile systems we’ve ‘donated’ to Ukraine on the dark web for only $30k worth of Bitcoin. Even comes with the reusable launch module and a set of instructions! Personally I’m holding out for a lightly used M240B, not sure I have much use for an anti-tank missile, though might be useful someday.

  13. Get some better trolls up in here. This current crop is pathetic. Not a one of them could find Ukraine on a map, and they probably have the Ukraine flag upside down on the bumper of their Leaf, in spite of having it right there in their Twitter banner.

  14. @BillyBob

    “Hey is cuba closer than 50 miles? Not lil boy, it’s 90 miles. 50 miles is the range the US is sending.”

    If these 50 mile missiles can’t help Ukraine, sending them over there is just political masturbation.

  15. ^^^^^ It’s all about making Political NeoCons donors even more money. It’s a joke. That’s why Democrats always need to have a war going on some where.

  16. @BillyBoob

    If you’re the cheap so-called actor BillyBob/BillyBoob, go back to acting class and try to salvage your career. Leave the thinking to the adults that are the regulars on this site.

  17. @Brad

    Since 1861, wars have been promulgated by Democrats or Neocons, usually by using a subterfuge of one type or another.

    1898 Battleship Maine
    1915 Lusitania
    1941 Pearl Harbor (may have been engineered by FDR)
    1964 Tonkin Gulf
    1985 Medical students somewhere in the Caribbean
    1991 Saddam Hussein
    2002 Saddam Hussein and WMD

    2022 some would love to get us involved militarily in Ukraine. This time, I don’t think it will happen.

  18. “2022 some would love to get us involved militarily in Ukraine. This time, I don’t think it will happen.”

    Let’s hope not. I have had parts for ICBMs expedited to the highest level. These people are crazy. In fact these people are much crazier than Putty. Liz Cheney is salivating.

  19. Tim Buktu

    Also, Trump had me hooked in the first 5 minutes of the first debate. Question; How many of you identify as a Globalist. He was the only guy that didn’t raise his hand.

  20. @Walter Johnson June 6, 2022 at 2:22 pm

    > It is unfortunate that we have such vile, despicable, weak, corrupt and most importantly illegitimate leadership in place.

    It would be unfortunate. If we had failed to extirpate it. We didn’t try. So we win.

    (Don’t think about it. It’s a conservative thing.)

  21. The main reason why the wanna-be elitist and rejected-from-every-globalist-club Joe Lyin’ Biden has been stoking the fires of war is that he wants the US bom bed so that he can (stupidly) play ‘the next action hero’ while he sucks on his slovenly wife’s fingers and plays a disgusting lap-dance with children.

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