Russia, Ukraine and Preventing Nuclear Holocaust – IOTW Report

Russia, Ukraine and Preventing Nuclear Holocaust

Tulsi Gabbard-

There are few political ads that are more famous than Ronald Reagan’s “It’s Morning Again in America.” These sixty seconds showcased America on the rise and inspired the hope and optimism that led to Reagan’s landslide reelection victory in 1984. 

With just three weeks to go until our November midterm elections, I find myself wondering if there has ever been a time where it felt less like morning in America. Violent crime is surging. Inflation is at record highs with no end in sight. Gas prices are on the rise. Multiple states have declared emergencies due to open borders and the unprecedented surge of people illegally crossing our borders. Americans across the country, regardless of political affiliation, are feeling this pain. 

But the issue that you won’t hear about anywhere on the news is the most existential threat of all: nuclear war. 

When we elect our President, we elect our Commander in Chief. There are important implications that go along with that title. Our Commander in Chief is ultimately the person in charge of our military, and with that responsibility comes the duty to protect and defend the security and freedom of the American people. Our Commander in Chief is the single most powerful figure as it pertains to the national security of this country.

The biggest betrayal that a President can make is to knowingly take actions that would endanger the safety of the American people. Tragically, this is exactly what the Biden administration has done and is continuing to do by escalating their proxy war with Russia, discouraging diplomatic efforts and bringing the entire world closer to the brink of nuclear catastrophe. more. h/t joe6pak.

9 Comments on Russia, Ukraine and Preventing Nuclear Holocaust

  1. On this matter, Joe is showing the intellectual agility of a monitor lizard with a brain tumor

    Did anyone catch Joe’s address to the UN where he yelled at the UN .. HE INVADED UKRAINE!!

    Of course, it is necessary to yell at the world so they’d understand .. THIS IS WORST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED, man!! It must be; why else WOULD I BE YELLING AT YOU!

    I seriously wonder, “Has anyone ever done that before at the UN?”

  2. Gabbard has had some sketchy positions in her past(like AGW which is a big tell to me) but on needless wars, she’s a solid. And we’re in a doozy now with this idiotic puppet set up to take the flak if it blows up. And it’s looking worse every day.

    Hell even RR was a dem so I’m glad to have her. She’s a looker too.

    OTOH, Haley can take a hike. And take Pence with.

  3. I worry that a GOP sweep in Nov could end up re-electing Biden (or his replacement) in 2024. If the GOP succeeds in stopping and reversing Biden’s dive off the cliff, the Dems will be given full credit for the turnaround by the media and refer to the GOP as “headwinds” resisting Joe’s brilliant leadership.

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