Russian Deserters Become Fodder For A Gruesome Training Lesson – IOTW Report

Russian Deserters Become Fodder For A Gruesome Training Lesson

Small plastic explosives were tied to the escapee’s limbs and detonated. Medics in training were then sent in to render first aid–not necessarily to save the escapee’s life but only to keep him alive as a training tool to work on real battlefield wounds experienced by Russian troops.

20 Comments on Russian Deserters Become Fodder For A Gruesome Training Lesson

  1. “Critics of America need heed the firsthand observations of a Russian military medic, captured during the Ukraine war, about his initial training.”

    …or they need to take the claims with a pound of salt, as they are allegedly coming from an alleged Russian POW of the Ukrainians, who have been proven to murder their Russian POWs, and just recently shot down a Russian plane full of Ukrainian POWs who were being repatriated to Ukraine. This crap sound more like a case of projection than reality. Shame on you, LTC Zumwalt, for parroting Ukrainian propaganda in “AND Magazine”. This OpEd is neocon garbage, IMO

  2. Every Army has problems with deserters.
    Fifth Army in WWII had something on the order of 20,000 deserters during the Rapido River campaign.
    The deserters came back, of course, having no way to return to the States – and the desertions served as an indication that the campaign was being either poorly led or poorly planned – so they were mostly ignored. Most claimed that they were swept down the river and had to make it back on their own. Lots of em falling in the water from the bank.

    Russians probably don’t see it that way.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Wow.

    Not sure what to say about this one.

    From the perspective of the medics in training.

    …I have no way of knowing what oaths or duty Russian combat medics agree to when beginning their profession, but anyone who enters the field to heal instead of hurt is dedicated nevertheless to some form of the old Hippocrates saw, “First, Do No Harm”.

    But then you arrive at the question of “what IS harm”.

    …this young deserter being blown apart a piece at a time, is not being harmed – directly – by the medics. The medics are tending wounds caused by others, which would have been their accepted role in theatre as well, although I’m sure they weren’t expecting them to be fratricidally inflicted. This also does provide a twisted sort of training for tending severe injuries, although it certainly doesn’t help when the patient knows what’s coming and wants to die. Is it, then, doing harm in this case to save a life, knowing that life will be used only to be subject to more pain and as a warning to others?

    I’m guessing under the circumstances with any sort of pain relief, pain being the point. But again, the medics ARE binding wounds and ARE learning, after a fashion, their craft, so are THEY wrong to do so?

    Here’s the thing about that.

    …the Nazis conducted experiments on concentration camp prisoners, sometimes pointlessly harmful and cruel, but sometimes actually having a point. One such was experimentation with taking a prisoner and submerging him in nearly freezing water until he passed out, with the alleged intention of trying to discover the best way to revive a pilot that might be downed in the cold Atlantic or the freezing waters off Norway. Sometimes the experimenters did cruel and humiliating things in the name of their “Science”, such as taking female family members and ordering them to strip and try to sexually stimulate the victim, allegedly to see if such stimulation changed the outcome. Other times they only monitored the submerged patient until death, logging in what specific medical manner he died.

    All of this ‘research’ is, rightly, reviled by the medical community as garbage and not accepted as usable data both because of its immoral means of obtaining it and because the experiments themselves weren’t actually well conducted.

    And that’s another thing too. If you take all of the morality, all of the humanity, all of the simple empathy a human should have out of it and consider it from a purely medical point of view…this is still useless.

    Unless the way that soldiers are commonly attacked is by being blown apart with tied-on charges and hacked apart with axes that they can’t in any way avoid. Any ‘training’ derived in THIS way is going to be rather generic, such as direct pressure, ligating major veins, applying hemostats, applying torniquets, pulse point control, field amputations, things like this; and since the intention is NOT to ultimately save a life, they are probably skipping over pain control, infection control, and limb preservation and perfusion.

    After all, you already know what THIS patients outcome is going to be, and you’re NOT going to see what happens longer term if you do or do not manage the wound properly.

    It likely DOES harden the nascent medics, what with having a guy writhing and screaming at them to let him die, a thing that can actually come up even in civilian situations in real life, but being hardened is one thing, being cognizant of the suffering of a comrade and having the goal of minimizing the suffering – which, by the way, can CHANGE THE OUTCOME in actual patients as patients in pain bleed out faster and have cardiac issues earlier, among other things – so again, you need to kind of balance in a healer being hardened enough to do the job and not too hard to do it the best you can for your patient and not necessarily yourself.

    So it isn’t great training there, either.

    Although you sure will weed out the kids who faint at the sight of blood, nicht wahr?

    It happens.

    …but I’m sure the medics in question are not free agents in this. I suspect the axe will be applied just as liberally to them as it would be to the deserter, should they refuse the order to “treat” the “patient”.
    What to do? Easy to criticize from behind my keyboard with oceans and years separating me from them, but if you are a young man who is going to watch another young man die painfully regardless of whether you join in or join him,
    I would image that most of us would do as we were told, particularly if we were young Russians with no real early training in being ‘sensitive’ and possibly no real training in the Gospel either. Those young men may
    also have their family threatened or simply starve if they do not provide, so if it comes down to that sort of choice, I leave it to your imagination what choice YOU would make.

    War is indeed hell, as said by aircubed above. Always has been, always will be.

    And their ain’t no reset button on real life…

  4. SNS, I will repost my comment from the story you linked above:

    “Not to knock the Epoch Times, but the last year has seen some lurid propaganda concerning the militaries of Russia and Ukraine, most of which has proven to be bullshit. I’m going to let this this particular Chinese Helmet story age for awhile, because it’s too perfect, and it’s got that “Ghost of Kiev” and “Putin is Dying” ring to it, and what with China being our new Sworn Enemy and everything, the journos might be getting fed the brown acid by the IC.”

    I take NOTHING at face value from our government flacks, or journos, and their manipulative agendas. If it sounds ridiculously horrifying, it is usually just horrifyingly ridiculous.

  5. Thirdtwin
    MONDAY, 18 MARCH 2024, 10:47 AT 10:47 AM
    “SNS, I will repost my comment from the story you linked above:”

    Fair enough. You and Lowell both have a point

    But don’t forget, if that’s the case, the bunch that tells such lies is usually accusing others of what they are doing themselves.

    Or maybe planning to.

    …I don’t place any amount of cruelty as impossible any more.

    Seeing as how my government is making people hate me for my skin color, supports ripping live babies apart in the womb, mutilates small children in support of lunatic political theories, and actively and openly has been trying to medically murder its own citizens since 2019 even as it brings a replacement population in…

  6. Is this worse than our gov intentionally giving people covid vaccines knowing it will kill them? Or sending the elderly with covid to nursing homes to infect others?

  7. I’ve been an avid student of this area of the world and the 20th century wars that were waged there .. for over fifty. I knew Русский язык not just in college, but as a child as well.

    So believe me when I tell you, that you should take every negative story about Russia, not just with a grain of salt, or a tub of salt or a Roman centurion’s annual salary of salt or even a Libyan salt MINE of salt … but with an entire Eritrean salt FLAT of salt. Its all unmitigated and unexpurgated horse shit. I’ve been hip to shitlib inversions of reality for 40 years, but this Ukie-Russian narrative tops them all

  8. I noticed zero proof just lots of words. Please fix a pothole in the country then I might consider giving a fuck about Russia or Ukraine. Wait, I won’t since our money is paying into the pension system for Ukraine

  9. I have a hard time believing this story. This would mean that there aren’t enough battlefield casualties among the Russian forces to provide plenty of on-the-job training for combat medics? Is the war going that badly for Ukraine?

  10. It’s more than likely propaganda, now more innocently called misinformation.

    Even Breitbart has fallen into the anti-Russian trap.

    I won’t go to the media for the truth. They need truckloads of evidence to convince me that their anti-Russian stories are truthful. This is not the same world as it was in 1962.

    This is all stoked up to gain support for US troops on the ground in Ukraine.


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