Russian Leader Slams Joe Biden After Putin Attacks – Suggests His Remarks Are a Reflection of His Dementia – IOTW Report

Russian Leader Slams Joe Biden After Putin Attacks – Suggests His Remarks Are a Reflection of His Dementia

Gateway Pundit:

The American fake news media is not fooling anyone.

The entire world knows Joe Biden has dementia and that his placement in the White House is a joke.

Joe Biden has a history of putting his foot in his mouth. On Tuesday Joe Biden called Vladimir Putin a killer in his ABC interview.

In response Putin and Russia announced late Wednesday that it was withdrawing its ambassador to the U.S. effective Saturday for “consultations.”

One Russian leader took it a step further blaming Biden’s remarks on his dementia. more

15 Comments on Russian Leader Slams Joe Biden After Putin Attacks – Suggests His Remarks Are a Reflection of His Dementia

  1. And so it goes…

    Orange man may have been bad but cringy Joe is just sad.

    Joe is not never has been, nor ever will be the legitimate president of the United States of America.

  2. Putin is twice the man Biden is. Biden had more face votes for him in his election than Putin did in his.

    The Russian Secret Police are twice the cops that the FBI is, too. The FBI have railroaded more people into prison than the Russian Secret Police.

  3. The first sentence – “The American fake news media is not fooling anyone.”

    If only that were true – there are still plenty of people still wallowing in TDS that have their blinders on and can’t see what everybody else sees and unfortunately I am acquainted with many of them. Try Sky News Australia if you haven’t yet – they know what’s going on.

  4. Steps away from the microphone looking back and forth in confusion before he’s directed which way to exit and then feebly shuffles away.
    “The most powerful man in the world” yeah right!

  5. I read yesterday that there was a threat on Kamala Harris, and it got me thinking: who would demented Joe replace her with if she died or resigned. I mean, who would the Obama junta replace her with? Susan Rice? I think the Dems could get that done.

    And what is ValJar up to lately?

    Interesting times. Way too interesting.

  6. America’s president is both a huge concern and a laughing stock to the sensible leaders of the world’s governments. It’s the worst kept secret that Biden is not right in the head. It’s not a good thing when Americans have an addled guy driving the bus. We could end up anywhere while we pray for a ditch and a fiery crash.


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