Russian Woman sues McDonald’s after burger ad compelled her to break Lent fast: report – IOTW Report

Russian Woman sues McDonald’s after burger ad compelled her to break Lent fast: report

FOX: Ksenia Ovchinnikova claims she was lured into indulging in a juicy McDonald’s burger — and now she’s not lovin’ it.

The Russian woman is allegedly suing the fast-food chain after claiming that seeing a mouthwatering cheeseburger commercial made her break her fast during Lent.

“When I saw an advertising banner — I could not help myself,” said Ovchinnikova, an orthodox Christian, in a court statement regarding the Mac-religious act, according to Russian state media.

The unhappy meal reportedly occurred in April 2019, while the Omsk native was observing Lent, a strict period in which devout Christians are expected to forgo meat, meat by-products, poultry, eggs, and dairy.

Ovchinnikova claims she had adhered to the belt-tightening custom for a month when she saw an enticing Golden Arches banner advertising a cheeseburger and chicken nuggets. Despite successfully fasting for the last 16 years, the hangry woman couldn’t resist and “visited McDonald’s and bought a cheeseburger,” the repentant religious follower admitted in her statement. more

19 Comments on Russian Woman sues McDonald’s after burger ad compelled her to break Lent fast: report

  1. …you know, this is no stupider than your business forcing you to make bad health care decisions they have no business even KNOWING about, but now that they want to be responsible for protecting ONE part of everyone who comes in contact with them’s life, the logical conclusion is that they are NOW responsible for EVER aspect of EVERYONE WHO COMES THROUGH THE DOORS life, c’mon Lib Business, you’ve taken the role of protecting us from ourselves, now man up and take responsibility for it ALL…

  2. …although I DO want to be on the jury for the penalty phase just to have a really, really lively discussion about how much sending someone to hell with your delicious burger imagery is ACTUALLY worth, or if you just have to compensate her for lost time spent in the confessional and doing penance, and the value of the pain and sufferring from THAT, or indeed if McDs can have the payout vacated if she didn’t immediately ameliorate her possible soul loss by doing penance, or if they can REQUIRE her to do penance as a condition of any award…

    …so many questions…

  3. Proof that you can sue anyone, for anything, anywhere!
    If this has any substance then lawyers are Satan’s minions.

    Oh wait… That reminds me of Satan’s wife when asked why she chose to marry Beelzebub.
    She said: “I didn’t realize at the time he was actually the embodiment of evil. I just thought he was a lawyer!”

  4. Is this a joke?:
    “I ask the court to investigate and, if a violation has taken place, to oblige McDonald’s LLC to compensate me for moral damage in the amount of one thousand rubles ($14).”

  5. …all kidding aside, if you’re deeply held religious convictions can’t withstand a 30 second TV spot, you should probably spend more time at the altar examining where you are in your faith walk with the Lord than at the bar of man’s “justice” trying to get fourteen bucks for your soul, just sayin’…

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