Russians have been spying on America since 1850s – IOTW Report

Russians have been spying on America since 1850s


Russian spying: Should I dare bring up the Soviet spies that infiltrated the Democrat Administration of Franklin Roosevelt?

This may come as somewhat of a shock to the Democrats, but Russia has been spying on our beloved America since at least the middle of the 19th century. Way before Boris Badenov tried to rig the outcome of the football game between Wossamatta U. and the Mud City Manglers, the Russians have been knee-deep in America’s affairs of state.

In spite of the Democrats recent clutching of pearls and near apoplectic drama when the cameras are on, those nogoodniks in Mother Russia have been snoopin’ and poopin’ on us since at least 1851.

As noted in the book The Treaty of Portsmouth and Its Legacies, edited by Steven Ericson and Allen Hockley, the American ambassador to Czarist Russia, Neil S. Brown from 1851-1853, reported back to Washington that the “most disagreeable features of Russia were its secrecy, surveillance, distrust, undue ceremony and delay, overbearing police, censorship, and espionage, including opening communications and spying.” Sounds like the Obama Administration.

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3 Comments on Russians have been spying on America since 1850s

  1. I wish we could get our closest Middle Eastern ally, Israel to also stop with the intense spying. All of our enemies & allies spy on us. What does that say about us???

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