Russians Missiles Hit Ukrainian Ammunition Depot in Khmelnytsky Causing Massive Explosion – IOTW Report

Russians Missiles Hit Ukrainian Ammunition Depot in Khmelnytsky Causing Massive Explosion

GP: RADIOACTIVE PANIC: Russians Missiles Hit Ukrainian Ammunition Depot in Khmelnytsky Causing Massive Explosion – Cache of British Depleted Uranium Tank Shells Destroyed – Gamma Radiation Spikes in the Region’s Atmosphere.

The West’s proxy war against Russia in the Ukraine has led to progressively more deadly weapons systems and ammunition to be delivered to Zelensky’s Nazi regime.

Possibly, the most controversial of these deliveries are the deadly radioactive shells for Challenger 2 tanks that the British government has given Ukraine. MORE

18 Comments on Russians Missiles Hit Ukrainian Ammunition Depot in Khmelnytsky Causing Massive Explosion

  1. “According to the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) one Sievert results in a 5.5% probability of eventually developing fatal cancer based on the disputed linear no-threshold model of ionizing radiation exposure.”

    The “spike” is less than 160 NANO-Sieverts: that is, 160 BILLIONTHS of a Sievert.

    So, since 1 Sievert implies a 5.5% probability of eventually developing a fatal cancer – Thus: 0.055 times 160 times 10^-9 = 0.0000009% increased chance of eventually developing a fatal cancer.
    Is that a reasonable concern?
    Bear in mind, this represents a probability – not a definitely.

    A tempest in a teapot. Stinks of bullshit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “DU munitions should be banned.”

    You mean like biological weapons were?

    And ARE?

    “The treaty prohibits the development, stockpile, production, or transfer of biological agents and toxins of “types and quantities” that have no justification for protective or peaceful use. Furthermore, the treaty bans the development of weapons, equipment, or delivery systems to disseminate such agents or toxins.”,disseminate%20such%20agents%20or%20toxins.

    …Dr. Fauci, paging Dr. Mengele Fauci…

  3. How do we know that Zelenskyy didn’t blow it up himself?

    I can see it now, “Biden, sniff, sniff, the mean ole Putin kicked my sand castle down! Can I have another billion dollars to buy more boomy stuff?”

  4. I’m confused again-
    From the linked article: ““A clear spike in gamma radiation was detected in Khmelnitsky on or about May 12th, with emission continuing to rise the following day and remaining at the elevated level thereafter.”
    Look at the graph in the article.
    the graph shows levels distinctly begin to rise on or about the 10th.
    also from the article: “On Saturday, during a massive air and missile raid on Ukraine, Russian forces hit a ammunition depot…”
    Saturday was the 13th
    Why the documented rise before the explosion?
    This has me wondering a few things:
    How long had the munitions been ‘in country’ before the explosion?
    If the rise in rad levels is attributed to the mere presence of the munitions previous to their explosion, why are there no reports of similar levels in the countries of the munitions origin?
    something ain’t right there

  5. Depleted uranium ammunition is not used because of radioactivity.
    It is used because it is heavier than lead and causes immense damage to armored vehicles. It will pierce heavy armor and then bounce around inside, turning everything in there into hamburger.

  6. The radiation spike is probably caused from the old radioactive fallout from Chernobyl that had settled onto the ground decades ago was just blown back up into the atmosphere.

  7. Something stinks here. Uranium is an alpha emitter. Gammas have definite energy signatures and that signature tells exactly from whence (what atom) that gamma came (look it up in the GamTab, for instance).
    Jethro’s probably correct about the explosives stirring up shit already in the soil. These are little drabs of information w/o specifics – or the specifics (such as a peak 160 nSv) are entirely misleading.

    The whole world runs on bullshit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. …and you can rest assured that every bit of information coming out of the Ukraine is not only fake, but accurate as well as has been tested and guaranteed safe and effective when it comes to advancing The Party’s narrative.

  9. Doc
    AT 4:35 PM
    “I wonder how much American Tax Dollars went up in smoke there too?”

    However much it was, you can be sure they will claim it was a hundred times more, because that’s how money laundering works.

  10. they have/had over 40 gain-of-function bio-labs that are giving the local populi various rare diseases & disorders

    compared to that, this is just another ‘Russia bad!’ story … besides, Russia didn’t put those shells in the Ukraine. all they did was take out a totally legit enemy target.


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